Club 2025/26 sites directory and handbook choice?

I received an email a few minutes ago with a choice to receive a copy of the 2025/26 sites directory and handbook or not simply by clicking the no thank you link.
I want a copy so didn't. I wonder how others will vote?
Personally we could do without one. However, the club seem to be trying to establish a digital membership (like the other club) but without any form of discount. Therefore I will be asking for one. Although if the club had a decent App that could be used offline, or offered a pdf version as an alternative, I would be happy with that.
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In all honesty since the last book came out, 18 months ago, whilst most of the time it sat in the motorhome door pocket it was rarely looked at. No doubt like many others I recall when it was the only option for looking up sites and those little tear out booking slips to send off by post. I think the internet has eclipsed the main purpose of having a printed version. Like Steve I would like it to be available in .PDF format so that it could be used offline, not particularly interested on it being in App form as I always use a proper computer. I won't tick the box yet
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As CL users, booking on the roll, we find a handbook useful. We have discounted digital Membership with other Club.
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We use the hand book in the planning of most of our trips, in conjunction with other printed and digital site directories, so I will gladly accept a copy of the next issue.
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I've voted to receive it.
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We will continue to receive it. We have had cause to use it when unable to pitch at a Very sloping CL in the northern Lakes and there was no internet signal.
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I cannot remember the last time I looked at it! It would be shear b....mindedness to elect to receive it. I am concerned that the App is not available off line in some form and the POIs lag far behind changes. However, you would have to be online to book and pay anyway unless you phoned so is there much point in an off line App. The main Club sites change very little, the CL site list and their costs, if not out of date when the directory arrives, will pretty soon be. I will therefore be electing not to receive it even though unlike the C&CC, no digital membership is being offered.
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It’s the accompanying map we find useful. You can see at a glance where CLs are in an area, consider travel times between stops, look at things we might want to visit close by, then put together a tour utilising this information, handbook, CL reviews online, Google Earth images, etc…… It all prevents us not choosing a site that suits us. We also book on the move, so if you can’t get a signal, it’s a good back up. Rare, but it does happen. Usually in Clumber Park😁
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It’s the accompanying map we find useful. You can see at a glance where CLs are in an area,
That is why it is very useful to have frequent POI updates, 6 monthly would be fine. I can then keep the POIs on my sat nav and digital OS Maps up to date, the latter are both available on my desktop, tablet and phone. You can also put them on Google Maps.
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Our MH doesn’t have a Sat Nav PD, in fact it still takes cassette tapes🤣 We do use our IPhones though if we need to pin point a route. Jeep has a Sat Nav, but it works via Zip codes, not post codes (American import). Does have POI though. OH has digital OS maps and we use these as well, but I love paper maps, can spend a whole evening reading one. We are a mix of traditional and 21st century tourers😁
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Is your renewal due? That seems to be when the mails are sent according to other posts.
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Not the case with us, as we received the email although our renewal isn't due for another 5 months or so, TW
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I stand corrected 😀
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I suspect the handbooks are sent out to everyone at the same time which is usually around the start of the new year. I think the timing of the email was for them to establish how many agree not to have the directory so they can reduce the print run in time for distribution?
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Thanks for all the replies.
The email came from
Is this the usual address used? If you haven't received the email, you can still opt out by going to communication preferences in your profile then as below:
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Yes, you have to click the no thank you tab, if you do nothing then you receive the handbook, that is the same as simply ignoring it or not received it in the first place.