Having Second Thoughts

I joined the CAMC online on 9th June 2024
Apart from an auto response email with a welcome message I've had no correspondence from the club. The CAMC website is very very slow despite me having a very fast cable Internet connection. The CAMC app is a joke, one of the worst apps I've ever tried to use.
I'm having second thoughts about membership
Warm regards, Steve Reeves
Hi, and welcome. These problems have been highlighted to the powers that be on multiple occasions but the lack of response is deafening!!
I have reported your post but won't promise that anything will come of it, sorry.
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As a long time member the only correspondence I get are quite regular emails, offers, news, surveys... from the club (two over the weekend) and the magazine by post. Have you set the correspondence settings to your preference? If you continue to get nothing then contact the club
As to the website being slow this has been discussed many times and it appears to be variable with some saying it's slow while other have no problem? Aslo it depends on which part of the site, bookings is fast and efficient although there is the occasional problem. CT is often slower and the dreaded server errors of course. I never use the app so can't comment.
But at the end of the day (or season) the main reason for myself being a member are the sites which have continued to be excellent. Any second thoughts for me would be based around using sites, clubs sites or CLs, and not the website.
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I am pretty sure its the case that the Club use a third party to despatch things like the site directory so there probably will be a slight delay. The Club almost exclusively now use email as a preferred method of communication. You do need to go into your "preferences" and set up the level of communications you want. As said this forum is not the best advertisement for the Club as it can be slow to respond. Having said that I had very few issues using the booking system on my PC. Don't really have a need to use the app.
Edit:- Regarding the first part of my post, I should have added, that surely this should have been noted in the joining email, if not that is a short coming on behalf of the Club.
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You need to decide what it is you want from joining. If it is for a whizz bang state of the art interactive website and techy experience then the club ain’t it. The clubs IT capability is akin to driving a model T Ford. However for access to their sites, (there are plenty of non club sites too, some better, some worse) possible source of travel or insurance options and so on, then stick with it. Partaking of this forum is also not restricted to club members so if you decide to cancel you can still contribute to or learn from the forum.
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Club itself is becoming a joke, not put comments on here now for quite a while but feel I need to today. I have been a member now for twenty years and I also have my insurance through the club. After trying to amend my stay on the app and being kicked off three times I phoned main office. We are setting off tomorrow for 3 weeks touring around the uk unfortunately my first port of call I admit that I booked the wrong night so needed to change. Its a mid week booking and needed to bring it forward one day to the Wednesday both nights have loads of availability being mid week, surprise have to pay twenty pound cancellation fee for the Thursday. It will not be happening again so this will be my last year. To all the friends we’ve made over the last twenty years it’s been good.
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There seems little flexibility in booking system. Given that we were told that deposits were require to stop speculative booking its a shame when there can't be some flexibility shown by moving forward or backwards a booking when there is no loss in financial terms to the Club. It would be a good question for the AGM later in the year but I suspect people like your good self will just vote with their feet?
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I recently had to cancel 2 days due to an urgent hospital appointment, I rang the club who charged me the cancellation fee but sent me a voucher to the same amount, this says to me that there is some flexibility, or did I just get a caring sensible person at the club!!
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We are constantly being sent e-mails about late availability and making a booking, but the thought of having to pay £20, just because I may have made a slight mistake which I correct within the next couple of minutes, actually puts me off making any bookings with the Club!