How are you enjoying your holiday?

joanie Club Member Posts: 138
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edited June 2024 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

This is the question put to me by another camper at Malvern. Usually I would say something positive as it's a site we usually enjoy. Did you know that trade vehicles are allowed there now?  A dog tied to a tree all day barking, that seems to be okay now aswell. The worse thing is the grass cutting , all day and every day , We cancelled a booking for later in the year at Malvern. 

A couple of weeks earlier we went to Hillhead in Brixham, no fault of their's but that was when the cryptosporidium breakout occurred. The staff were very good , getting bottles  of water to us.  BTW they seem to have their grass cutting well organised, perhaps Malvern could learn from them. Anyway we're off again soon , let's hope things improve for us . 


  • TobyLeeds
    TobyLeeds Club Member Posts: 146
    edited June 2024 #2

    Malvern has always been a noisy site in the afternoons as the grass has to be mown - and there is such a lot of it! The weather has been awfully wet too - this doesn’t help.

    perhaps the “trade vehicles” were members attending an event at the show ground - I don’t have a problem with that.

    the yapping dog under the tree - did you make the warden aware? What was their response? If you do nothing,, but moan here, then there will be nothing to tell the owner that his/her dog is annoying neighbours.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,408
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    edited June 2024 #3

    Yes, I’ve seen many a van at Malvern where the members were there for a show at Three Counties. The local CLs get full of show participants too and this is the time of year when the main agricultural show takes place.

    As you say, Toby, if nobody says anything to the warden or the 'offenders' themselves then nothing is likely to be done about a barking dog or any other nuisance on site.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,664
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    edited June 2024 #4

    As above, but as the Op posted elsewhere about this:

    The dog barked all day but no one did anything, neither did we.

    Why did you leave it to others to sort out? Club rules are specific and if there is anything to concern you or affects your holiday then the first port of call is the wardens. 

  • joanie
    joanie Club Member Posts: 138
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    edited June 2024 #6

    Thank you for your replies, however we have been members of the CC for many years  and I used to complain, but nothing much gets done, so I don't bother now.  

    The worse thing was the grass cutting , all day and every day 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,408
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    edited June 2024 #7

    Joanie, the fact that you’re still a member of CAMC surely indicates there’s not much to complain about. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Happy vanning 👍🏻

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,503
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    edited June 2024 #8

    I bet none of us have ever been on a site when it’s been mowing from dawn to dusk every day of the season. I have been on sites where they have had to take advantage of those opportunities to do so due to weather and occupancy levels. Sometimes I guess it’s required to keep on top of the ‘growing’ situation I’m sure.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,808
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    edited June 2024 #9

    Well, in answer to the question - "a lot better than I thought it was going to be". The BBC weather forecast for Sandringham for the fortnight we are here was diabolical to say the least but in actual fact - since they got it wrong - again!, it's turned out to be quite nice. Lots of hot sunshine - as it should be in June.

    Everyone here, around us seems very friendly and chatty and we were having a lovely time - until the 'family from hell' turned up last Thursday. Eastern European, I think.  3 generations and a yappy dog.  They were incapable of talking at normal levels and screamed and shouted at each other incessantly - usually whilst sitting in the awning, or outside until well after 2300 hrs. People arriving next to them, only stayed overnight and either moved pitch or left early. I complained to the Warden and I have to say his attempt at 'investigating' the situation was pathetic.  Indeed, one of our neighbours commented about how the family suddenly went quiet whenever the Warden appeared. It was clear that his approach was one of 'avoid confrontation at all costs' - so nothing was done. Father then began playing with a model aeroplane, chucking it around between caravans - until I asked him to stop, in no uncertain terms. Suffice to say they left on Monday and everyone around us breathed a sigh of relief and things have returned to normal now.

    Just goes to show how one family can change the whole atmosphere of the place.



  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,740
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    edited June 2024 #10

    We have been to Malvern club site a few times and this year for a change due to having a memory trip around our old haunts decided to stay in a cottage about 1 mile from the club site and we had better weather than at home and really enjoyed it, there was noise about late evening from motorbikes doing the Guarlford straight but that has been going on for years.

    As to Malvern site it maybe there are new site staff this year and have different ideas to previous staff on how to run the site and as the weather has been awful through the earlier part of season perhaps they are catching up with ground work.

    Glad you are enjoying your holiday at Sandringham Richard, we stayed there about 16 years ago.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,378
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    edited June 2024 #11

    We did our fourth Club Site stay last week, that’s in the last six months, so very unusual for us. All I have to say is they have been great, if very expensive.
    Scarbro, we had the whole site to ourselves apart from a couple of vans nearer reception, and our friends in a glamping pod. Quiet, no grass cutting.

    Bolton Abbey back in March was full, folks getting in their free night. Again though, very pleasant, no grass cutting, no one causing any noise or other issues.

    Clumber Park in May, lovely weather, mid week quiet, weekend full. Only thing we noticed was the speed that vehicles were driving round the site, solo cars, towing cars and MH’s, lots going way too fast and desperate to get somewhere without a lot of respect for anyone else. No grass cutting, staff were around the site throughout the day, and the speeds lowered when they were visible. Brilliant having centralised bins as we saw and heard very little tractor noise and all the late night wine bottles getting dumped.

    Burrs Country Park, half full on Thursday night, full on Friday, Saturday. Nice, quiet on the whole, steam trains puffing alongside, folks enjoying themselves in the adjacent park. Again though, most notable negative thing was the speed of vehicles flying past pitches. 

    Four Club Sites, little in way of mowing (and it is something I have complained about in the past, every ruddy morning being mown around at Marazion😡), vehicles of all sorts of design and appearance, including sign written towing caravans, lots of dogs, but no excessive barking at any and none tied to trees. Happy children cycling around sites but not doing anything wrong. So, good experiences. Including busy, pleasant staff, nice facilities, great locations. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,891
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    edited June 2024 #12

    We've done 8 outings so far this year..... a mixture of CAMC and other sites....  probably a bit down on previous years, and always managed to avoid the grass cutting... 

    Castleton CAMC (January)
    Ludlow Caravan Park - AS (January)
    Devizes CCC (February) 
    Skegness Sands AS (February) 
    Putts Corner CAMC (April) 
    Elm Cottage Touring Park, Cheshire (April) 
    Conkers (May)
    Putts Corner CAMC (May)

    Struggling to find dates this month (we struggled in March too....), but hope to get out once this month, before our extended summer 'tour'...  Our viits to Putts Corner coincide with visiting our youngest daughter in Exeter.  We stayed at Elm Cottage when we had the E & P levelling system fitted to the caravan....

    I've got Hawes on my wish list, but don't know when we'll get up that far for a short stay.  More realisic, for us, might be Stamford, for a short stay (I think folks used to call it 'Top Lodge'... or perhaps I'm confusing it with elsewhere)....

    We stayed at West Ayton a few years ago, TTDA, but last year we decided on Cayton Village... quite a big site, but we quite liked it (mid-week, out of holiday time).  I imagine Cayton could get really busy at times.

    This year we're back to Bridlington on the way back from the 'East Scottish leg' of our summer break...  However our visit to our eldest daughter, later on in the summer will be without the caravan... don't fancy taking the caravan to the Outer Hebrides!!!
