Slow website response

Having returned to Club Together after a year or so absence, one thing hasn’t changed - this is still the slowest website ever created. It’s the elephant in the room; nobody seems to mention it. 5 to 10 seconds to search (whatever happened to binary searching?), 10 seconds to open a new subject area etc. I really don’t understand why it can’t be fixed. Is it too many graphics, poor design, lack of money?
hitchglitch I don't know where you get the idea that the slowness of CT is never mentioned. It is repeatedly commented upon. You may well be right in your supposition that It is both poor design and lack of available funds to correct it, but I suspect it is just ennui on the board of those at HO. My thought is that if they do nowt and ignore all the complaints we members will either just give up complaining or, even better for them, stop posting altogether so they can then turn round and say that as the site is not being used any longer we will close down for good.
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I do sometimes find the forum slow but at other times it seems OK, at least using a PC with a fast connection. We know the software used by the forum is past its sell by date and has been for several years so I wonder if that along with server capacity contribute to the slowness? One would have hoped that the club would invest in a new forum but there seem no signs of that. We have to put up with the forum as it is I think I would rather keep the forum warts and all, frustrating as it can be, rather than it being closed as the other Club have done.
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In my experience it's not just the forum that's slow; I tried to browse CLs on the map - and almost lost the will to live! First of all waiting for the map to show CLs, then clicking on one I would like more details of takes longer than what is IMHO acceptable this day and age. The page doesn't load straight away, the page seems to freeze before you get to see the info on a particular CL. Going to a different CL for info takes longer still. I prefer using UKCampsite, that's so much quicker, but of course not all CLs are listed on there; the same goes for CLBooking, again, not all are listed there.
Our internet connection is excellent, we have Full Fibre to the house and get 150Mbps, I don't have these problems with other websites. Using Android tablet.
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I nearly always use my laptop windows 10, firefox/bluebird very very slow and even worse this morning because for the last 2 days microsoft have been slowing everything down downloading a new update to windows 10/11,
but no excuses the software is past its sell by date, the app is not a lot better, just renewed my membership, not sure why i did this
, and thought i would go digital with the membership card, on opening the app it gave me a prompt to download new app, which i am sure i already have, it then proceeds to ask if i want to open app, no download, great , i hit my cards and it gave me some rubbish to say they are unable to show my cards just now try logging out and back in again, same thing, the only way i could view my new membership card was to log on and go to my profile , gave up and ordered new cards to be delivered
not sure why but i seem to have two different logos for camc on 2 apps on my phone, 1 says booking , 1 says UK sites both seem to give the same result, cant remember last time i used a club site or the app, now i know why, must have lost the will to live
p.s. got it i see the UK sites app is not supported any more
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All I can say is that using my iPad and Safari, the site is working at a reasonable speed at the moment but this morning and yesterday it was slow. It varies so much but I can put up with the slower speed as long as the server errors stay away.
Btw, did anybody notice the out of date Essential Maintenance notice last night?😂😂
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I've always found the CMC website dog slow. Using Firefox or Edge.
Frankly, if this was a commercial site that depended on sales to survive it would have been speeded up long ago. Even so, I don't understand why it hasn't been fixed - it presents a poor image to the world and tilts the way that people look at the CMC, makes it look a bit amateurish.
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Errr, it does depend on sales to survive. Sales of membership, pitches, insurance….
And it’s still going at an acceptable pace for me right now.
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And it's it the first time that has happened either, as has been pointed out before!
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I wouldn't say things were slow - if anything, I think it's got a bit faster since the enforced shut down. I'm using an iMac with the latest version of Monterey running and Chrome as the browser.
What I have experienced of late is that I can reply to a post, click the 'Reply' button and there's nothing there. However, if I go back via 'Discussions' to that post, my entry is showing. Weird??