Pitching the Value

peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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edited February 2024 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

Got an hour or so to read the detail.  An interesting set of statistics on the economic benefits of Holiday Parks and Campsites including CLs and CSs can be found >here.<  Overview at the top of the page or scroll down for the detailed reports.



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    edited February 2024 #2

    Quite a lot of information available there, will have to come back to it later to have a proper look.


  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited February 2024 #3

    That makes some very interesting reading peedee, thanks for supplying. Interesting that only 14% of campsites and parks were surveyed to achieve those results though.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    edited February 2024 #4

    JK, I think in most instances they explain how the numbers surveyed affected accuracy of results.

    Did you notice how the two Clubs describe themselves? As a member of both Clubs I recognised the C&MC one as a load of BS. It just highlights the differences between the two Clubs and the way they go about their business.

    Interesting to also see the motorhomes outnumbered caravans in the survey, 44 percent to 37 percent.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    edited February 2024 #5

    Interesting to also see the motorhomes outnumbered caravans in the survey, 44 percent to 37 percent.

    That was in England. Across the UK the figures are 41 percent motorhomes 36 percent caravans. If that translates into Club members there are about 156,000 motorhome/campervan owners in the Club. That is 38 percent of registered vehicles.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    edited February 2024 #6

    Thanks for the link Peedee.

    Had a quick look but I'll have a longer in depth read when I get some time.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,948
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    edited February 2024 #7

    Even in August the sites  are reporting only 68% occupancy levels - and in other months less than that. That sheds light on those who think that UK camping, motor homing and caravanning are booming. Not so at all. 

     Contrast that figure with the numbers and profits the UK airports and holiday airlines are currently reporting . That’s where the real growth is. The UK Camping Alliance which commissioned this survey is whistling in the dark to keep their spirits up.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    edited February 2024 #8

    I beleive that, pre COVID, most sites worked on an occupancy figure of 65 percent, if it was more than that they were doing well. The survey was done post COVID and acknowledges that following a peak in site occupancy levels, they were getting back towards pre COVID levels. One of the threats it acknowledges is the competition from other holiday destinations which can only get worse if the cost of providing UK pitches rises even further. I already beleive it is economical to tour the Continent rather than the UK (with added benefits) and I highlighted this in a story I published on CT. Incidently the daily cost highlighted in that story are not too far off what the survey published and also closely match my estimated cost of £90 per day of keeping and using a leisure vehicle. (Inflation and the cost of our hobby)

    I have no interest in jetting off to destinations (been there done that) and find a leisure vehicle a much more relaxing way to holiday. That is one of the strengths of pitch value.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    those who think that UK camping, motor homing and caravanning are booming. Not so at all. 

    ET, according to the latest statistics the sale of motorhomes/campervans in the UK increased by 36 percent in 2024.(Source, European Caravan Federation)

    I was at Moreton in Marsh last weekend and the site was not far off full, perhaps only a half dozen pitches vacant. Ok it was a weekend and a sunny one at that and as such was bound to attract a number of fair weather vanners. It was noticable how many were fairly new, 23 plates and upwards.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    Melrose site a week or so ago was full or close most nights over an 11 night stay on both standard and SP. As PD says lots of shiney new outfits both MH and tow cars, and some (it appeared) brand new twin axles, it was full on SP virtually all nights and lots of MHs on them. The only remaining pitches whe it wasn't full were the non awning and all tarmac pitches

    When booking a site for late April after the BH at the five sites we usually use it was difficult to get a full week in.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,231
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    It's been a mixed picture on the 4 CLs we have used so far on this trip with two full or nearly so for the nights we have been there and only us or one other unit on the other two. I do know that the next one is full by looking at it's booking page but it is always so from April through to October.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,411
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     It was noticable how many were fairly new, 23 plates and upwards.

    Indeed, of the seven Motorhomes in our corner of the site last night 5 were less than a year old, two only 2 weeks. Our 19 plate is starting to look positively geriatric, like its owners.😂

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,231
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    Glad we have a personalised number plate as very few will know just how old our vehicle is!!😁😁

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    Likewise we have personalised plates on both cars and with an 02 on one and an 03 on another and the first two letters and last three letters are our initials being the same on both cars, so we have AB 02 CDE and AB 03 CDE (obviously not those letters) so we get some double takes on sites when both are on one pitch.

    And I kid you not, not on a club site, I was once told that my car was in very good condition for an 02 plate!

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 534
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    I have toyed with the idea of buying a much newer M/H (mine is a 2004 Eldiss Autoquest), but have read so many stories about very expensive newer models that have problems (especially about damp) that it puts me off as well as how much more it would cost to insure a newer van. My van is looking rather tatty these days but has not suffered from damp, like many other vans have and suffices for what I require, although it would be nice to have a more modern one with solar panels and a few other more modern fitments.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,231
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    @peedee in contrast to your post we have just arrived on a CL, which is now full with caravans, no motorhomes, and none of them appear to be new, and the newest of tow cars is at least 5 yrs old!!

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    edited March 16 #18

    As much as I like CLs Nellie, many are not attractive to motorhome owners. If they do not have hardstandings there will always be that fear of getting stuck in soft ground. Many are in out of the way places and access can also be difficult for larger outfits and of course I have yet to find one with a drive over drain! It is not surprising that you observe the majority of occupants of CLs to be caravans.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,231
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    @peedee there are a few CLs with a drive over drain, but as we have no need for one I tend not to take notice of which one have them. I do wonder why the symbol for them, WD in a square, is included in the Site Directory listings of CL facilities but is not included in the web site listings.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    Don't know what happened to the links on this post but they don't work anymore. Here is an update for those who want to follow them:

    The story "Its good to be back over there"

    "Inflation and the cost of our hobby"


  • Hja
    Hja Club Member Posts: 907
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    I have been on one CS with a drive over drain. But mostly grey waste into the hedge and we have a pipe that takes from the van to hedge. Personally I would rather CL owners spent money on a bit of reinforced grass or equivalent, not “ smart” hardstandings, than drive over waste.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,411
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    I would rather CL owners spent money on a bit of reinforced grass or equivalent, not “ smart” hardstandings,

    We stopped on an Aire in France that was entirely made up of reinforced grass pads. The only good thing it had going for it was that the Motorhome didn’t get bogged down. It had been reasonably wet and the mud just bubbled up through the reinforcing, making for a very messy site. You couldn’t leave the van without getting mired in mud. Definitely not a fan, give me a hard standing every time.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    I didn't like reinforced grass for several reasons. Firstly it can get very messy and slippery in wet weather. It can be a trip hazard and I don't think it looks better.
