Hive Heating Control System

DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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edited February 2024 in General Chat #1

I expect a few of you might have this system? We had the Hive system fitted with our new boiler which is coming up to five years old. I like the system, particularly the option of being able to control the heating remotely via the App on my phone. So far so good! Because we are coming up to five years old we now have to pay an annual subscription. Not particularly against that but I wonder if it is necessary? Apparently the sub gives you more in the way of statistics which whilst interesting I am not convinced I want to pay for them! So does anyone know that if I don't pay the sub can I continue to use the app to control the system remotely?




  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,764
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    edited February 2024 #2
  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    edited February 2024 #3


    I also read a few reviews putting forward similar views. It doesn't seem that you are really getting much extra for what would be £40 a year from the second year, assuming of course they don't put the price up! I was just concerned that I wouldn't be able to control the heating remotely on the App whilst we were away in the van. However it seems that is not impacted so you really do have to question whether paying extra for a bit more statistical information and extended warranties on Hive products is really worth while? I think I will leave it as is and just see how it goes on. Initially I thought (wrongly) that I had no choice but to pay the fee.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    edited February 2024 #4

    We haven’t paid anything for our Hive other than the actual controls/ receiver unit, all fitted by my OH. I got an email telling me to subscribe as our original offer had now expired🤷‍♀️ Never paid a thing. It all still works remotely. Mum’s has been in a good bit longer, fitted by BG, but no subscription. I control this via my phone. All still works remotely.

    I suspect they are playing on people’s apprehension that things won’t work, trying to get subscriptions. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    edited February 2024 #5


    Thanks for that. You have really confirmed what I needed to know regarding remote operation. Some of the benefits of the subscription are somewhat spurious and the more I learn the more I think its just a money making exercise? When we buy other electrical appliances we don't take out extended warranties but rather invest in the best appliances we can afford, hopefully to avoid trouble!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    edited March 2024 #6

    I think the subscription is for when you add on all the extras such as light bulbs, radiator valves, and unless I’m mistaken you must be able to get door sensors that will turn heating up when you enter a room🤷‍♀️ Probably needs extra room sensors as well🤔 I suppose if you are out a lot and worry about security, having lights go on and off might be a fix, but we just use a plug in timer in a couple of rooms. It is handy being able to boost heating remotely, as we always used to turn our heating off completely, but now the Hive allows us to heat house up on our way home from holiday. I can control Mum’s heating from home as well, so that’s good for me, but we don’t pay extra. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    edited March 2024 #7


    I don't think it impacts on the extra units which you add on. Other than the central heating I also have one of their remote control plugs which we use to time internal light coming on and off. The App shows those items which you have paired to the control unit and I can change the plug much the same as I can the heating.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    edited March 2024 #8

    That’s interesting thanks. We have always used timer switches with lamps, but usually have someone staying in house when away. I wonder if it’s all about viewing usage statistic in some way then🤔 Although I think OH commented on our usage patterns other day, as I was moaning because it’s pre heating too much for me. I like a cold bedroom, not quite icy, but OH gets the shivers nowadays. Legacy of his Chemo I think. He sometimes sleeps in his dressing gown, whereas I generally have at least two limbs “airing” even in Winter🤣 We have switched to a Tempur mattress, heaven help me if we get a heatwave this Summer🥵

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    edited March 2024 #9

    I think I have worked out that all you get for the monthly payment are more extensive statistics on your use. To some extent you can get the same information, albeit not in such detail from your energy company. If you have a Smart Meter Display you can use that to monitor unexpected heavy usage. I could be wrong but as energy prices fall back towards normal I suspect people won't be so interested in the minutiae?
