How to read the Club magazine on line

With so many struggling with post and keyboard here is how to do it. It is best to use the App on at least a 10 inch tablet but if you don't have one, it does work on a PC but not with all browsers. I have used Edge and it works fine with that.
Log into the Club's web site and select "Membership" from the top menu and "Club Magazine" from the righthand side of the drop down menu which appears. This should take you to the Club Magazine page, scroll down this page to this line "Flick through the online page turning magazine of current and past editions." Click on the highlighted text "online page turning magazine". This should take you to the magazine library where the latest edition and others can be read by clicking on the circle displayed on the chosen magazine front page. Use the controls displayed to turn the pages, zoom in and out or even download it to a folder on your PC.
Happy reading