Not going it alone.

VeroniqueW Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited August 2023 in Solo Caravanning & Touring #1

My husband died last year after we had enjoyed many years travelling in France in our caravans and more recently in a motorhome. 

I now have a lovely VW camper van but I have only been away once in it for a few days because I find that I have lost a lot of confidence and would welcome the company of anyone else who would like to join me on my travels. (In their own van.)

I have many interests and I love to be active outdoors. I am a serious photographer with a particular interest in wildlife and I would like to know if there are like minded club members who would like to accompany me.

My intention is to travel to various parts of Britain "chasing the light", staying at CLs and visiting nature reserves in order to get some good pictures.

I know there are a few 'solo camper' clubs but they do not quite suite what I'm looking for.




  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    edited September 2023 #2

    There are several solo campers on here, Veronique. Maybe they can give you some pointers.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    edited September 2023 #3

    Maybe start a thread in Hobbies section as well. I know of several members who enjoy photographing wildlife and sometimes they do it solo, even if they are in a marriage or relationship.

    It might just be meeting up with you for that day, say at Cley Nature Reserve but you would at least be sharing the day with another person interested in the same thing as yourself. Good luck.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,234
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    edited September 2023 #4

    You could do worse than look at "Kathryn Scorah" on Facebook, also "Ronnie and Luna on tour". Both are solo travellers, the former being a very accomplished photographer.

  • Hja
    Hja Club Member Posts: 907
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    edited September 2023 #5

    We have recently joined the CCC and because of the old people’s discount their sites are often as cheap as CLs. This may be pure coincidence but on their sites I have met far more female single travellers than on other sites. Just a thought.

  • Lukeledge
    Lukeledge Club Member Posts: 84
    edited September 2023 #6

    As a fellow widowed person I know what you mean! There is a national group for widowed folk called Way Up or Way (for 50s and under) there are groups within that get together for various things and activities, here is likely to be a camping group on it, if not it is a good group anyway!

  • Chaz18
    Chaz18 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited September 2023 #7

    My condolences on your loss Veronique.

    Not quite the same traumatic loss, but I bought my caravan (previously a tent camper since my teens, but thinking as an impending OAP I'd like a few more creature comforts!) after splitting with my long term partner, with the intention of pleasing myself a little more than when I was 'hitched', she was a lovely lady in many ways, but things turned out to be her way or no way just too many times!

    OK, I'm a man, I'm a big man, and I don't suffer complete fools gladly (been described as 'Alpha Male' a fair number of times, LOL, and instantly having the respect of others!), so probably not the sort many would try to take advantage of, so perhaps with an advantage or two over a lone female who may feel a little more vulnerable surrounded by strangers. But I have no qualms about solo caravanning, nor did I from first trips away, well me and my dog, so not entirely solo! I find the folks on most camp-sites are pretty friendly, willing to lend a hand if needed, although usually find it's me helping them as I'm very technically savvy, and a bit of social interactivity is quite common so no great feelings of social isolation, I'm easy going and sociable, but then my dog is often an ice breaker as she is a very attractive Border Collie and a bit of a people magnet!

    As a keen photographer (landscape/wildlife/historic aircraft/motor-sport) I find being on my own an advantage, I don't have any bored/disinterested people urging me to 'get on with it' (had that in the past with previous partners!). Moderately happy to wander off hill walking on my own, although aware that I'm no spring chicken and a degree of caution is now wise, but nature reserves and populated low level paths etc. are no worry at all.

    I actually LIKE solo caravanning, but I'm not always on my own, do rally meet-ups, and have friends who want to tag along from time to time, I also have friends in most parts of the country with whom I can meet up on my travels. Never really considered joining a 'Solos Group', all seems too organised for my liking, I'm more than capable of finding things to do to entertain myself.

    Point to my ramble is that you don't NEED anyone else to enjoy yourself and your hobbies, camp-sites are full of singletons doing their own thing! It may take a leap of faith to get a few solo trips under your belt, but chances are once you gain confidence, you'll revel in the solo life where you can indulge your hobbies and interests unhindered. Been solo caravanning for over 5 years now, and no regrets, no mishaps, nothing I would do differently. It's at least worth a few tries to see how you get on, nothing whatsoever wrong in joining solos groups or getting a few like minded souls together if that appeals, but don't be too quick to dismiss your own abilities to go it alone, you'll be surrounded by others doing just that on many a camp-site.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,234
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    edited September 2023 #8

    I wonder if Veronique took up any of the suggestions given above? It would be good to know if any were of a help to her.