Awning light bulb replacement

I've been prepping our van, a 1995 Swift 'Azzura 400' for our next trip. I need to replace the bulb in the awning light over the door, but can find now way of removing the cover. The original owners' handbook (yes, I'm lucky enough to have that!) tells me what bulb I need, but that is where it stops being helpful. There is not even a hint about how the cover is removed.
We were lucky enough to come into ownership of this van in pristine condition, almost as if it left the works yesterday, so I don't want to do anything that may damage it. On the inside of the van, all the wiring and fixings are concealed behind the internal panelling.
I cannot be the first person who has needed to replace this particular light bulb, so if you know how it's done I would love to hear from you!
A photograph would help open this up to owners of other makes and models fitted wih the same light assembly.
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I have needed to replace two awning light bulbs over the years. Although the lights were of slightly different design the front diffuser came off both in the same way. A firm squeeze was needed to release the internal tabs.
Over time the rubber gasket between the light body and diffuser front becomes stiff and sticks the two parts together, whilst the body and diffuser also become brittle. The result is things may not go well, well it did not for me at least and I could not salvage fittings. Best of luck.
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Completely agree that a photo would help, but I have not been able to upload one yet!
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At last, photos added. It was a problem with my Mac, which simply decided that it wasn't going to play.
I persuaded it. By threatening to go back to a Windows-based computer. Photos duly uploaded.
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I thought maybe there would be access from inside the van, but there is simply plain veneered panelling, which is clearly not meant to be removed. I'm resigning myself to getting it fixed when the van goes in for its annual service