A10/A85 interchange south of Tours

DavidRC Club Member Posts: 35
First Comment

Good morning all,

Just doing some route planning for French holiday in a few weeks.

Last year we had problems at this interchange due to long term roadworks. We had travelled south on A10 intending to turn east on A85 but when we got there the exit was closed ( we hadn't realised the significance of a poorly signed diversion on the approach).

This year we will probably approach the interchange from the west on the A85 hoping that we can just cross the A10 and continue on the A85.

I think the roadworks are still ongoing, has anyone been that way recently, what is the current state of play?

Plotting the route on Google maps takes you off the A85 about 6 miles west of the A10 and then via D751/D37/D943 to rejoin A85 east of the A10. Via Michelin however takes you straight through on A85.

The Google route looks easy enough, all dual carriageway, but if it's possible to stay on A85 I would prefer to do so.

I suspect that the various road closures change from time to time and I will just have to play it by ear when we get there but if anyone has any up to date info it would be appreciated please.




  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2023 #2

    WAZE is always up to date 😉 

  • DavidRC
    DavidRC Club Member Posts: 35
    First Comment
    edited April 2023 #3

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've never used Waze but will give it a go.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited April 2023 #4

    I've only used it in the UK, but it shows live traffic & will suggest alternative routes when there's a traffic jam etc .... also gives warning of some potholes, cars on the hard shoulder & traffic plod

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2023 #5

    Via Michelin shows there are still some roadworks on the  east bound A85 but they don't appear very significant?


  • DavidRC
    DavidRC Club Member Posts: 35
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    edited April 2023 #6

    Thanks, I agree those roadworks don't appear significant.

    Perhaps the very major works which caused us problems last year have finished but I was just trying to work out why google maps route shows a diversion away from that section of the A85.

  • Jamsdad
    Jamsdad Forum Participant Posts: 275
    edited April 2023 #7

    I wen that way last summer, and was able to follow the diversion, which was OK, but you do need to look out for it and take it steady.  It should be done by summer 2023.

  • DavidRC
    DavidRC Club Member Posts: 35
    First Comment
    edited April 2023 #8

    Thank you.


  • StephenC72
    StephenC72 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited June 2023 #9

    Hi David, I travel this way from Ouistreham to Agde. I went through Tours in May las year & there was no diversion. I am travelling same journey again in 2 weeks & heading South, you have leave at Junction 23 of A10 & then rejoin A85 further along than you normally would, The diversion seems simple enough, off at the junction to a peage, up a brow of a hill to junction take a left turn and then a straight road which just 3 roundabout's to go straight over & then a left turn to the peage to rejoin the A85.

    When heading back North there is no diversion in place.

    I would rather stay on the A85 myself, but if needs must, it looks a much better diversion route than i have been on before.

    When you join the A85, there is nice services approx 6 miles down the road  - Aire du Val De Cher, my first stop after getting off the ferry at Ouistreham - approx 3 hours.