Dog tethering advice

GrannyC Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited April 2023 in Your Pets #1

I’ve just returned from our first trip with my Grand-dog Mischa. The stake we bought is fine, but, she snapped her collar when she tried (and succeeded) to escape to catch up with my grandson as he went to the loo, then we were on constant alert after she tangled her leg in the line. Can anyone suggest best options?


  • Phil n Tracy
    Phil n Tracy Forum Participant Posts: 34
    First Comment
    edited April 2023 #2

    We have taken our dogs away for years and always tether them via a couple of long steel tent pegs or the stake with the plastic covered metal leads (the technical terminology escapes me). However, we have a troublesome terrier who loves to chase pigeons.... A couple of times on site his collar snapped open. This is due to those plastic snap shut collars that are so popular today. I am still looking for a small buckle type to fit him. In the meantime we've used his car harness and attached the lead to that. It does the trick. As for getting tied around his leg that is something you have to get used to... Our dogs have pulled over chairs, tables........!!!! 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2023 #3

    Much the same here! We've never left our dogs unattended as accidents can happen, apart from the fact when we had two dogs they often started rolling around together and used to  get totally tangled up. We've had dogs getting under the van too and hooking up round things.

    The only thing we do differently now is to use harnesses rather than collars they seem less prone to coming loose if they're adjusted properly. We just have one tiny dog and we're forever sorting out the spaghetti extension lead trail woven round our outdoor chairs. You can't win really....wink

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2023 #4

    Use a harness, much kinder to the dog . Would you want to be tethered by the neck ?