Isn't this getting a bit boring now?

As if yet another prime time weekend show fronted by Ant & Dic wasn't bad enough, I understand the highlight of ITV's weekend will be an interview with a rather whingey, highly privileged, publicity shy ginger haired guy? A guy who was so publicity averse that he emigrated with his family to keep them out of the public eye but now finds it convenient to plug his ghost written biography as a follow up to his self publicising 6 part revelatory series on a popular streaming channel? Do we really need to know that his older brother had a bigger bedroom when they were boys, or pushed him over so that he got scratches on his back.
Think it's time to wish the guy and his family the very best of luck in their new life in the States, but, for goodness sake, please just leave us to get on with our lives at a difficult time for all those of us not lucky enough to have the same advantages!
Rant over!
Good rant 👍🏻
There comes a time with these things when I think enough is enough and now please shut up. I don’t want to see any more about it on TV. Silver spoon and dummy - one swallowed, the other spit out.
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I'm not sure who it is but is it the one who wants to be private but then tells the world all about his family?
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Could be. I expect his book will be on sale in Poundland soon.
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Can't think how inviting comment on a well publicised TV show in the entertainment section can possibly breach any guidelines, DD. No politics, no religious context, nothing libellous, no insults directed at fellow posters. Which guidelines did you have in mind?
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Even if it was a freebie on Amazon I wouldn't want it!!
Don't know how this got into the Entertainment posts though, as it certainly will be less entertaining than watching paint dry.
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‘We are going to the USA to find privacy & acceptance-please leave us alone. Prime time on Oprah broadcast to millions?🤔, that’ll do nicely thank you’. $$$$$$$$$-Kerching 💵💵💵
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Or to continue in the theme and to quote Mercutio "A plague on both your houses"
The thread title could apply equally to Series 17 of "The Apprentice" of course.
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WTG - you say ShakespearIan, and I think he would like to be seen as some sort of tragic hero ....
....personally, I find Pythonesque a more appropriate adjective and the quote "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy" springs to mind!
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The most annoying aspect of all this is that the press/media are desperate to keep adding fuel to the fire and some are lapping it up and enjoying it. All about making money and keeping some happy in doing so! So sad what with so many other every day real life challenges out there for many ordinary folk right now.
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Shakespeare and Python, what a great wake up hoot this thread is🤣🤣 There are just so many famous quotes/lines that would fit👍
I am firmly in the couldn’t give a damn court. The only intrigue for me is that a member of a very dysfunctional family has managed to hit bullseye with an equally dysfunctional family! Kerrching…….the media and hangers on are having a ball.
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The saddest thing here is that there are more important topics that should be grabbing the headlines.
I doubt that people who can't afford to put food on the table are particularly interested in hearing about a teenage boy who experimented with weed at Eton.
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Nah, folks were sad enough to actually vote a couple of them into the ultimate power position….Royals or Government, the country’s on its knees.
The problem is the country’s obsession with posh accents, deference through ignorance, too much looking backwards rather than towards the future, and corruption permeating almost everything.
Otherwise, we are fine🤣
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I liked Terry Wogan😀. I found him entertaining and far from boring, unlike the subject of this thread☹️
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I confess I am looking forward to HIGNFY 🤣🤣🤣
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When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was referring to the hissy fit going on with the X Royals who now reside across the pond.
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Oh I am so sick of opening up any internet page and there he is, so difficult to ignore but I am really trying my best, it’s even on the evening news. With a war on in other countries, people dying and being displaced, people here struggling to feed their families and we continually hear this constant whining from such a privileged person, why don’t they just get on and enjoy their lives. Even the abdicated King Edward V111 had the good grace to keep quiet once abroad, wish this one would. Can’t believe anyone is actually interested in wasting money reading that book. No one needs to watch his tv interview we have already heard it all, over and over again.
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where it will be two copies or four copies for a pound?
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If the original post refers to whom I think it does I have to say I have not watched any Netflix or interviews etc only seen ‘bits’ on the News. IMO the person has made himself and his immediate family over there “targets” in more ways than one rather than giving them the life he said he wanted for himself and his family. I certainly will not be borrowing 'the book' from the library should it be there.