New member introduction

Hi club members , we have just purchased our 1st caravan. We will be picking it up beginning of November.. being new to towing feeling slightly anxious about towing for the 1st time etc.. slowly going through a list of things we initially need to purchase to get going , would appreciate must buys for newbies. Haven’t purchased a awning yet either ,most prob buy a porch awning 390.. would appreciate some help where to buy from etc…
thx Matt
I suggest you use the van without an awning and then decide if you really need one. They’re not known as a divorce in a bag for nothing!
Similarly, buy very little equipment to start with and maybe take stuff from home until you decide what you need and what you don’t. Most of us have garages and lofts stuffed full of 'must have' but useless accessories.
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Check out ebay, lots of good camping/caravanning stuff goes for not a lot of money on ebay. Recently bought a Kampa 390 for £600, only been erected twice, folk who owned it had decided that caravaning was not for them, will knock you back £1300 to buy new.
My old one had spent too much time in the sun and sea air, was starting to rot away the fabric, for us 5 days or more and awning goes up, great place to hang wet coats, dry off the dog, cook so you dont get too many smells in the van, but as other have said dont buy too much stuff, i guarantee you wont need it. Just chucked an old analogue tv, been under bunks for years, we never watch tv whilst away.
top tip, buy a Romesco slow cooker just great for home & caravan
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Thx for the advice everyone
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I have a Remoska and would tend to refer to it more in line with a multi cooker rather than a slow cooker. Whatever you want to call it, it's a great appliance for caravanning although expensive and new only available from Lakeland Limited.
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Hi Matt. Just a quick welcome from me. Hope it all goes well when you pick up the new van in November. We've generally given up on an 'enclosed awning' these days. We're happy just to use our roll our canopy - less pegging and less time needed to set up. Everyone has their own needs though - go for what suits and do let us know how you get on with it all.
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Hello to C&MC. I'm new to caravanning, having been convinced by my partners family adventures, which I'm glad to explore over the next few years.
She's has helped us find our feet with a super (and pre-loaded+) 2013 Coachman Pastiche VIP 460.
Just to pick collective brains, is there an easy way to remove mold marks on fridge seals - or is it the careful use of chlorine or peroxide solutions.
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Hi have u tried mold & mildew cleaner , which u can buy in most cheap shops .
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Welcome to you too, BikeSwimNotRun. Great to hear from you. Hope you've had chance to get out in the van since you first posted in the autumn. I certainly agree with Deleted User User when it comes to awnings..... Whatever you do, just be careful you don't exceed the Maximum Permitted Laden Weight of the caravan. I'd certainly start without an awning - especially this time of the year - and then assess your needs as you go along.....
Look forward to hearing how you get on with it all.