Snagging list for new booking system

Following on from the introduction of the new booking system I think it would be valuable to list suggestions that could be implemented to improve the user experience of the new system. I very much hope at least some of these will be acted upon.
This is possibly a 'wish list' rather than a true snagging list:
- colour code the calendar so that 'full' nights stand out more
- remove the need to state car length
- remove the requirement for other person's dob (apologies if this has been done, I've only made 2 bookings in the early days)
- only have one area to tick 'accept T&C' (my memory says I had to do this twice)
- make the standard default position for 2 adults to give a better reflection of price against other campsite providers
- choice of 'campsite' to be restricted to UK club sites only. Further radio button to be added for 'CL' and their associated names in alphabetical order
I will try another booking later on and if there's other suggestions I'll come back and edit this post.
Whilst these are my suggestions, appreciate that others may disagree. Perhaps we need a grid of the suggestions (using just a sharp description) then contributors could vote if they like them. This would be a crisp data sheet for the developers to use rather than a lot of posts where they have to fish out the idea???
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This is an observation of the system which I have not used yet to make a booking.
1. Can the drop down menu showing Club sites in each region (as per the old system) be incorporated into the new booking system front page. It was far easier to be able to see sites, say in East Anglia, rather than remember the exact name of the site. This would solve the problem of having UK and European sites mixed together.
2. Move the Help and FAQ's button as it blocks other information.
These comments apply to using Windows 10 with a Chrome browser.
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Sort out the CL section so that when you use the map to locate possible sites it is easy to click through to FULL site page. This used to happen from the summary info. From memory a click on the summary info took you into the full page on a different tab so you could easily return to the map to select another possible site.
The summary info that you get via the map should include whether ehu is available and whether grass or hard standing pitches.
D of B should not be asked for with uk sites. Other providers don’t ask for it.
Once you clarify that vehicle being used is one registered in profile, no more info should be requested.
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i think all this thread is going to do is cause confusion, much better to report your difficulties constructively via the >feedback form<
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Once I've found the site I'm interested in show me the information important to me - what days are available on what type of pitch just like the old system.
Use colours to make it easy to see which days are available and unavailable on the calendar.
If I want to see a map with sites close by then give me a button to click to open a window to get that information.
If I want to see what facilities there are, if there's a dog walk and all that other stuff then give me a button to click to open a window to get that information.
Put late availability page back as it was so you can see in an instant what is available in a certain area.
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Another suggestion would be to get the search working right.
I've just done a late availability search for Yorkshire, UK
Why am I shown sites for London, the rest of the UK and even Europe?
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The new dialogue boxes use to much of the screen on a tablet making navigation difficult.
The site is slow to navigate.
I would prefer to have the name of the caravan sites highlighted rather than a pointless cost per night. You can scroll a mouse over the price to show the name on a PC but not on a tablet.
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I just had a first look at the new system to see what all the fuss was about... just a couple of comments:
- it was painfully slow to navigate, even at 8.00 this morning.
- I looked at a couple of CLs we visited recently and noticed that all the reviews previously there had gone - they are very useful, can they please be reinstated.
- I agree that the default price showing for club sites should be for two adults instead of one.
Personally I do think it's useful to see what others think of of the new system, so thanks for starting this thread.
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Re the CL reviews, they are still there but you have to access them in a slightly different way. Put the name of the CL in the search box top right of page. Then click on the link to the CL and the reviews can be read by pressing the link in the normal way top right of page.
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When creating a Snagging List thread was first mentioned on here there was universal agreement from moderators and regulars that it was a good idea and no one suggested using a contact link instead.
I do appreciate others have a different point of view but not sure if using the link provides improved feedback from the club,at least on here people can see others suggestions and maybe learn from them ?
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It is a good idea wedgy, as pointed out, everyone can see what’s been reported. When I tried to use the feedback form, it was faulty anyway.
DK, using the search to find a CL assumes you know the name of the CL you want. That’s not often the case, CL users like us, Nellie, Wherenext, etc….. browse by what’s in the area we want to visit, not always repeat visits to a known CL. CLs need to be separate from the main booking page.
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Did you contact Rowena for her view and agreement to pass issues raised to the IT team as I suggested, Wedgy? Otherwise you're trusting to luck that this thread reaches the eyes and ears of those who are in a position to do something about it.
I think the important factor is that faults are corrected and it doesn't matter how the issues are brought to attention. If they come from various sources, there's more chance of them being noticed.
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I am thinking of copying the Trustpilot reviews, and sending direct to Nick Lomas and Greville Chamberlain……………….😎
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Hi David
It has taken me about 30 minutes to find the search box on the top right of page,I thought it would be on the booking page, search box,not this page top right.
Without your post above, I never thought you would you would have to go back into the old system when you have a brand new system.
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,at least on here people can see others suggestions and maybe learn from them ?
I don't disagree about that Wedgy
TTDA I have had no problems using "Booking Capability feedback" as for searching for a CL it can be done. The problem is once you have brought up an area of interest ideally using "Find a UK Campsite" rather than "Book a campsite" and selected a site either from the map or the list along side the map, a link to existing reviews or directions, especially the latter, isn't available from the site information it brings up. If links were provide, at best everyone would be happy and at worst its an improvement. This equally applies to find a Club site where yet again there are no links for reviews and directions.
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Various methods but the simplest way to find Ro's email is near the start of Community Guidelines.
The point is that your thread will have no value unless it is monitored by a member of staff. That is why the more methods used to bring points to attention, the better.