Simple Automation at its Best
They have that for the Forestry England sites. Seamless👍🏻
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Some even work for caravans and tents in the season. They have quite a few Mon Village sites that have toilets and showers, but in all other ways operate as standard CCP sites. They are normally old municipal sites that would have otherwise closed, (They are no different to us re local authority cost saving) but have been able to continue under the CCP banner / automation. We stopped on two last June, they were good, one exceptionally so.
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It seems from much use of this clubs sites ,that the "must have" motor caravan is being used by many as a caravan without a tow vehicle,and not moving from arrival to departure,so as much as you wished for with the name change has not materialised with what most owners have needed
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As being actually sites on club sites, and as others have said on here, often the MHs are in greater numbers than caravans so I don't think what you've posted is true on both counts, also on quite a number of occasions this year MH have outnumbered caravans on service pitches too BB.
So it depends on what you mean by touring Mhers ?
If it's those that tour and want to use a site as a base at night then the club is doing very well indeed and certainly they are well catered, why should the club change its very successful model?
For those that want to go off grid or want simpler sites then the club isn't for them and they'll find alternative sites to suit. Remember no one is forced to use a club site, and they only account for les than 10% of sites nationally so plenty of choice and that choice should be kept rather than all the same?
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It would tell them you had left the site. They wouldn’t know if you were coming back again. However your account is kept open (in case you do) until the start of the next 24 hour charge period, when it is closed. Or if you enter another CCP site within that time, the previous one is closed and the new site account opened.
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Oh right, it doesn't ask in some way you if you're leaving for good then within that 24 hours ?
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I did before and it offers no advantages over prepayment, ANPR admission and letting the office know by text what pitch you're on, that the club is going to trial. One disadvantage is that you have to buy a card before loading it with funds through another system which is extra cost and extra time. My cards are always preloaded, actually automatically each month.
It also has another disadvantage that you may not get the same pitch each time you leave and come back unless marked. Often on many sites in the UK and abroad of course do have this feature although you are advised to leave a sign it is not really necessary as the system will know who is on that pitch.
I only asked for clarification as another posted, can't remember who, said that this system asked you if you were leaving for good after each departure, now you've said that is not the case and you can come back before your time is up but maybe onto a different pitch. Thanks for answering that.
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Yes of course, try booking a site any day of the week, try now for today for example to see if pitches are available? If I take the last pitch it would show as such for the next person trying to book. Actually happened to me once as well.
There you go full at Melrose, but pitches at White water park, taken just now.
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No BB I distinctly remember the other poster saying that the system would ask if you were leaving for good and charge you straight away or if you were returning. I remember because I asked if the system was voice activated. Perhaps the other poster, hadn't used that system before or in a while? Still no matter it's all clear now.
PS I've just done a screenshot from the thread of what was actually said if you need reminding, as it does look like the other poster had not used that system and it did make it sound as if it did actually ask you, not would, how actually how it did?
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quoting myself here but one can still book available pitches after 5pm!
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Of course but that's due to the opening times of the club sites, nothing to do with the actual automated system that the CCP uses? If the system were introduced on club sites you'd still have those opening times?
I do think it's a great system for that style of touring abroad (and in the UK) but doesn't offer any advantages for club sites where, as I said, ANPR, pre arrival payment and txt/app the office/system will do totally as well, wouldn't it?
As it would for most UK sites that operate on a arrive at ... and leave by ... so it will interesting when other non club (traditional if you like) sites go for. I'm not sure why one needs to buy a card over here?