Cleaning after storage

ScreenNameB3CBE7025B Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited March 2022 in Caravans #1

We have had our van for about 12 months now, (yes, we are newbies who bought during covd to get away for a break and found we enjoyed it).

We have had it laid up on the drive over winter and over the period it has grown moss around the windows and locker doors along with black water streaks down the bodywork.

What's the best thing to use to clean it and get it gleaming white again.

I've tried snow foam and its not had a lot of effect. I'm reluctant to get the jet washer on it as I don't want to damage the seals.




  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited March 2022 #2

    Fenwicks Black Streak remover will probably sort out the streaks. Warm soapy water combined with a bit of elbow grease should sort out the moss.


  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited March 2022 #3

    To clean the streaky areas and if you  have some Fenwicks Caravan Cleaner (the yellow bottle), make a 10;1 mix water:cleaner in a spray bottle.  Spray in on the affected areas and leave for a few minutes then wash it off.  Works for me.  The moss should come of easily with soapy water.

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,238
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Name Dropper
    edited March 2022 #4

    When you finally get your van clean buy a bottle of Bobby Dazzler. You mix as per instructions in a big pump spray bottle like you use for weedkiller. Whilst the van is damp after it's post wash hose down you spray it all over and then chamois leather or microfibre it down. I was dubious over how good it would be, but on my dimpled van that I cannot polish it works a treat. I usually apply it twice a year, the final treatment prior to putting the winter cover on.



  • Burgundy
    Burgundy Club Member Posts: 313
    edited March 2022 #5

    Autoglym Caravan & Motorhome Cleaner. Recommended to me by a colleague when it first came out about 15 years ago. I couldn’t believe how good it was, particularly black streaks.

    see website

    £12.30 on Amazon, other suppliers are available.

  • Kerry Watkins
    Kerry Watkins Forum Participant Posts: 325
    edited March 2022 #6

    We use Slinky cream which we have used for years. Simply apply with a damp cloth and remove with a dry one. Removes streaks and dirt with no problem.