How long is battery ok for in storage?

IanTG Forum Participant Posts: 419
edited February 2022 in Storage #1

We’ve just had to move our 2020 Adria caravan from ‘pampered’ storage on a family member’s farm (undercover, electric hook up, water etc) to a commercial storage site, with no such luxuries. Reason being the farm was broken into, and both caravans stored there also broken into and burgled, so we are concerned that now the local criminal fraternity are aware of the ‘opportunities’, they may be back, as they were quite determined, bringing angle grinders etc to cut through 3 different padlocks and chains on gates and doors.

Any way, never having had to worry about leaving the battery unconnected, my question is - how long can I leave a 2020 battery on my caravan, without its charge deteriorating to a degree where it is damaging? There is no alarm or tracker on the vehicle, so it is completely ‘powered off’.

We always visit sites with electric hook-up so recharging will happen both towing to site, and when pitched.



  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited February 2022 #2

    I think that’s one of those ‘how long is a bit of string’ questions. Variables like battery condition and temperature will play a part. On the basis that 12.8v is fully charged and 12v is effectively flat, you could periodically check the battery to determine its discharge rate. I would expect it to last for several weeks. If I leave my car on the drive for a couple of months while away in the MH it will always start and my present battery is 8 years old.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited February 2022 #3

    I would check it once a month. If you have no alarm then it is best to remove the battery and keep it on the bench at home with a top-up once a month.

  • dunernin
    dunernin Forum Participant Posts: 19
    First Comment
    edited February 2022 #4

    Assuming the storage is outdoors you could fit a solar panel which will keep the battery topped up. I have had one for eight years and does the job.


  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,277
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    edited February 2022 #5

    Similar to above, if you cannot or do not wish to remove the battery then solar panel charging is the best way to go. However I'd look at a small freestanding one you can sit on the dashboard. How about this. You will have to cut and paste the link:- Shopping | PLAs | Non-Priority products&utm_term=4586956356599484&utm_content=Non-Priority products

    My uncle used to use on of these on his car when he was away for a month as the tracker used to kill his battery in less than a week.



  • IanTG
    IanTG Forum Participant Posts: 419
    edited February 2022 #6

    Thanks for replies so far.

    I have to say we’ve been spoilt with our previous storage arrangements, to the extent that I really don’t want to start disconnecting and reconnecting the battery. I know loads of other folk do so, but!

    re a solar panel, Don’t really want to invest heavily in a solar panel, as we’ve already made the decision that we’re coming to the end of our caravanning holidays, not directly due to the burglary, but more due to two factors coinciding. Firstly, the lease on brothers farm expires at end of 2022 anyway, so our farm storage was coming to an end anyway, and secondly, we’ve been fortunate to acquire a holiday bungalow on the Norfolk coast.

    EribaMotters - that mini panel is interesting. Couldn’t put it on dashboard as we have a front cover, but could potentially leave it in a skylight, held in place by the blind being drawn. I might start a thread in accessories to ask if anyone has tried them.

  • TheShipmans
    TheShipmans Club Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2022 #7

    We store a caravan on the Costa Brava and I am able to leave it for 6 months between trips and battery retains enough power to use mover on our return, Be sure to turn off main 12 volt switch. Our UK van on the other hand was in storage for a while and has alarm & tracker. This required battery swaps every 15 - 20 days.

  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited March 2022 #8

    Ian, you could remove the front cover when your caravan is in storage, thought they were just to protect the front of the caravan when towing.  Last year I started storing my caravan at home rather than in a storage site.  Whilst on the storage site over winter I used to bring the battery home and kept the charge topped up.  The battery gave up the ghost over this winter but it was 7 yrs old!  You do not say so but I would assume that your 2020 caravan has a security alarm; if so, you will need something and a Solar Panel would be the answer.  My 2009 Bailey is pre all these clever things that can go wrong!!  Forgot to add.  When it was in storage, in the summer it was sometimes 4 - 6 weeks between trips and the battery was always ok.  But as I said I have no extra things like tracker or alarm fitted.