Lidl's coffee

On the few occasions when I go away with EHU I take a Dolce Gusto coffee machine with me. I used to order my capsules on line in bulk directly from Dolce Gusto but have recently started using the compatible Lidls capsules and while there is only 3 in the range I find them very good.
I tried using a third party capsule from Costco (can't remember the brand) for my Nespresso machine but didn't like them so i stick with the Nespresso capsules
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The Starbucks range of Genuine Nespresso capsules are good, although there are only four varieties. Available from Tesco, at full price there is not much difference to buying from Nespresso, but they are quite often on £1 off a pack of 10, which is when I stock up.😀 I have tried some of the Nespresso knock offs, also available at Tesco, but they have a habit of jamming.
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Thanks Steve, I'll keep a look out and give them a try.
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I have not used the Lidls own but over here I do use LeClerc or Carrefour own brand with no issues and have bought them from Amazon, just had a Carrefour Cappaccino and tastes fine for me as I do not like strong coffee and OH has decaf ones with no problems.
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We treat ourselves to a little coffee pod machine for Christmas, after using one in a cottage we stayed in. Lakeland’s own brand machine, takes Nespresso pods. Like others, we are experimenting with different brands. Starbucks from Tesco we like. Tesco own brand very nice. We got some Costa compatible pods, again very nice. I found some Little’s pods in a Sainsbury’s, they come in nice flavours like the Little’s coffee jars, and we would definitely get more if I could find some. Lakeland sell pods from the Eden Centre, eco friendly.( A bit bland if I am honest.) Aldi had both Dolce Gusto and Nespresso pods in last time I was in, but limited flavours on both. I shop around, look for those on offer. We limit ourselves to a couple of cups of pod coffee per day, and have it as a lunch treat. But we normally vary our drinks by choice.
We recycle as well. Open up pods, collect grounds, which are a brilliant snail deterrent around plants, then put the pod cases into recycling.👍
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Coffee makers are quite bulky, we always travel with a Aeropress takes up very little space and makes a great cup of coffee. Very easy to clean too.
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We're not big coffee drinkers but do like good coffee. We have a large Nespresso machine at home and a small one (without frother) for the van. Don't find it too bulky at all. We've tried various cheaper Nespresso substitutes but don't really like them so stick with the Nespresso ones. We always use their free re-cycling service.
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We always had a couple of filter coffee mugs in our outfit, like these here
However, we have found with age that we were both suffering a bit with indigestion after filter coffee, so had stopped using them. Hence why we were rather surprised at getting no indigestion with the pods, even the strong ones. That prompted us to buy a pod machine. Ours is very compact, so in Summer, I can see it going away with us.
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We've got a tassimo coffee machine but it only gets occasional use. Much prefer our cafetiere coffee, co-op Colombian in use at the moment, good taste and good price. We sometimes use coffee bags when on the move, share one between expense spared.
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We have a Tassimo machine, in fact we now have 5 of them, though 2 now reside at DD's house so we can get decent coffee when there.
We have a big very old one, about 13 years old, but it could not cope with some of the newer pods and started "exploding" them...... makes a terrible we bought a small 2 cup one on offer in Lidl in Dingwall. We then started taking it in the van when we went away as it is very lightweight. We also have a cafetiere in the van for when we get visitors, or when on the move.
Then we bought a similar one in a sale at Currys, to keep at DD's house as it was otherwise not very great instant coffee. She does have a cafetiere, as do we, but that is a bit of a bind for only 2 cups at lunchtime.
Then Tassimo started a "subscription service" which came with your choice of machine for only £1, so we got a bigger machine that lets you select strength, size and hotness, and now keep the little machine in the caravan all the time.
In the second year of our subscription, we got a second fancy machine that now resides at DD's house.......they are now hooked on lattes, and Callum loves the hot chocolate. Their small machine will be moving along to their office once they get it revamped, as DD will be working from home permanently.
The pods are getting rather expensive these days, we get the expensive Latte ones on the fixed price subscription, which we share with DD, and supplement those with special offers at various supermarkets. I have never seen other than genuine Tassimo ones, but no doubt they do exist somewhere.
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Apparently the original Nespresso machines were developed for planes on long haul flights as it was a more convenient way of producing coffee on board.
We had a Dolce Gusto machine as a present some years ago but it now sits in a cupboard, unused. We only have two cups of coffee a day and we generally manage with a good instant coffee, further complicated because I have been told to drink decaffeinated, which I mainly ignore when out of the house!!! On the rare occasion a decent coffee is require we use the Cafetière. Be interesting to work out the relative economics viz a viz ground coffee and capsules?
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Well you can call me a philistine, but I've never taken to "posh" coffee, whether percolated, cafetiere or pods! But I do drink a lot of the instant stuff and whenever we go out walking it's always with 2 flasks of hot water and those Nescafe instant cappuccinos and lattes - particularly the flavoured ones, cinnamon bun or toffee nut. Sadly they appear to have stopped producing the gingerbread variety now, but at £1.50 for a box of 8 I reckon they're a great alternative.
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No contest I would think David, the ground coffee is much cheaper.
We use the Tassimo when it is only us, purely for convenience. There is a good choice of different coffees available, so interesting to try various types.
Also handy when on a non-serviced pitch on a site without a dish wash area.......getting the cafetiere properly clean in the van is not easy, uses a lot of water!
We usually have a cup at lunch time, and sometimes a latte before bed time.
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In our house it's called "proper" coffee....
We also drink "proper" tea as tea bags aren't as recyclable as they appear to be, don't get me on that one.
Our tassimo pods are so difficult to re-cycle that we chouldn't really use them at all....
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We sometimes use coffee bags when on the move,
We have also taken to using the coffee bags when in the van. Quite like those from Taylors, both the Italian blend and for something a bit stronger the hot lava Java. Last time we were in France we found bags fairly easy to get there and a fair bit cheaper than here. Oh there’s no way I’m sharing one,😂 I like my coffee on the strong side.
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Tried goodness knows how many coffee makers over the years until settling on the bialetti moka pot about 10 years ago. I have various sizes at home and one permanently in the van. 95% of the time this is used with Lavazza coffee, 250g at about £3. Great coffee every time at a bargain price.
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We like nice instant coffee as well. Being “up North” we have a lovely Ringtons van call at our house every fortnight. Very nice instant, and of course they sell all sorts of other tea, coffee and hot chocolate as well. Not to mention delicious biscuits, and other nice things. You Southern based types aren’t left out, you can order online 😁👍
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Our nearest collection point is an hour away. Bit of a mistake really!
Much prefer beans or ready ground coffee, 2 x 250 gms at our local Co-op, £5 just now so no contest!
I know people love their pods so that's my own personal take on things. I enjoy frequent coffees through the day as well as tea. OH has his stand by jar of nescafe for trips out with a flask!
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Oh no, not instant coffee. I thought this was special club.
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We have a Nespresso machine, quite small and light, we use in the caravan and at home. OH likes quite strong coffee, I prefer mine milder, it works well as we use different pods for our taste. We usually buy L’Or from Sainsbury’s, especially when on offer, or Sainsbury’s own isn’t bad. We haven’t shopped around too many brands but stick to what we know.
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I like Mocha, so am experimenting with our little machine at the moment.
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That’s a bonus Bill, I need to do a bit of research. I empty ours then put pods in recycling.
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We also prefer "real" coffee, in our case usually from Ikea, £4 for 500g, but as we usually only have one mug at lunch time, and 50% of the time one mug in the evening, the pods are just so much easier. Even better now we have 2 ways of recycling them
We only use them when it is just us, far too expensive to offer to visitors!!
In my home country, Norway, it seems most people are coffee junkies, if my sisters are anything to go by! They always have a pot on the go, or in a vacuum jug.
Pretty sure they are drinking way more coffee than is good for them! When there we feel pressurised into drinking more coffee than is good for us.......and the fact it is usually accompanied by delicious cake just makes things worse!
Our son enjoys his coffee, in his case Kenco instant, but was told by his doc to keep to no more than 3 cups per day. Pretty sure I too was drinking much more coffee than was good for me when I was working.