Spanish Health Form
Has anyone had any issues with the Spanish Health Form? The website says you can start it at any time but only submit it within 48 hours of arrival. I registered initially as per the instructions whereupon I should have received an email with a code to take me to the form. This took many, many attempts over two days with no email received. Finally one did come through and I entered the code. Instead of taking me to the form which I hoped to start and save, I now only get a message saying I cannot complete it at all til within 48 hours of travel. Given the ferry to Santander departs at 9am on 11th January and arrives at 2pm on the 12th, this only gives me a small window to get the form finalised when I will already have left my home. Has anyone else had to do this right at the last minute?
just been reading up on the Spanish Health form and like Deleted User User, I am concerned as to when to submit info within the 2 day arrival time frame.We will also be on the road prior to the ferry departing Portsmouth for Santander at 9.30 pm and its a 2 night crossing, arriving at 7.45 am. I know I can input the initial party details in advance but are there any delays in receiving the QRcode and can I submit final info quayside in the UK prior to boarding- or does that not allow sufficient time for it to be processed by Spanish authorities?.