Tugging licence change delayed

Not sure what the change entails, but if it means a person has to take a tugging test then I think that would be a good idea, but in the same vein, I think there should be a similar test for MH owners driving e.g. 3.5 ton MH's, I have seen very poor standards in both scenarios, when i picked up my first caravan some 20 years ago the dealer spent some 3 hrs showing me the ropes which included hitching and a short drive out of the yard and reversing on return, bet there are not many dealers do that these days
more like "plug and play"
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Not sure I see the logic of the change that happened in1997? All it did was to encourage people to tow heavier caravans with a lighter car, obviously within the law. If tests are required to tow a caravan those test should apply to all weights. As we move to EV's, which are 20/30% heavier than ICE cars it would probably be the death knell of caravanning if they don't revert back the pre 1997 weights for towing. Most people won't tow to the higher limit anyway so I can't see any safety concerns.
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I agree with both Davids fully.
Does anyone know the reason for the delay and when later will be?
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I read something elsewhere along the lines of DD's post above in that it was apparently due to some opposition in Parliament so it’s been scheduled for debate at a later stage.
Meanwhile, with no tests going ahead, some folk are left in limbo.
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I wonder if we'll end up with an additional "grandfather's rights" category.
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Thanks, though I found that hard going, I either missed it or was there any indication when the rules will change?