Manual or Auto towcar
Hi Any opinions on preference of gearbox for towing caravan i.e. manual or auto
Check out the towcar section as it’s something often discussed.
My choice is auto everytime but it has to be a 'proper' TC auto for me. Apart from the driving experience, it’ll save you burning the clutch when reversing.
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Agree with TW, but you will have to search through all the discussions to find a full post on the subject. The general consensus is that auto is the preferred option.
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Seems to me there are far more important decisions to make when choosing a tow car - value, space, comfort, type of fuel, power, weight, stability, price, front wheel drive or 4x4, running costs, and reliability matter a lot. Whether the gears are manual or automatic doesn’t matter much to me.
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Manual every time. Admittedly only driven an auto once but that was enough to put me off for life.
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Perhaps CG drove an automated manual. Some of them are horrible and enough to put you off for life.
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I surprised it has not been mentioned, but aren't modern auto boxes stronger than a manual. If you look at any vehicle If you look at vehicles with higher bhp and torque figures the generally have an auto box. Or could it just be they are more expensive and the extra cost of the auto can be lost in the overall price?
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What has prestige cars got to do with it the question was manual or auto. A lot of people choose auto for ease but I enjoy driving so manual every time.
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Most people would accept that equipment provided and supplied in a Bentley/Aston/Rolls etc is of a higher standard/desirability than that provided in a Ford.
With regard to which is better for towing, I would say that auto wins everytime, especially if the car is fitted with adaptive cruise control - another of those items, that was once considered as a gadget, (like electric windows) that now becomes essential on any future tow car.
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When I had a caravan I towed with three automatics. The first a Vauxhall Carlton had a tendency to overheat despite an additional oil cooler. I then went back to manuals for the next three cars. However the next two were Kia Sorento's and both were brilliant towers. Since moving to a motorhome (regretfully manual) my home cars have both been automatic. I appreciate it is a personal choice but I don't see the sense of a manual gearbox if there is an auto alternative.
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I was always a girl who 'preferred to do it myself' and always said I'd not have an automatic. However, when I wanted a Land Rover Discovery it only came in the automatic mode. I took it for a test drive and never looked back. I find it so relaxing for towing. I do still 'keep my hand in' with my little Mazda though.
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The opposite of 'Auto' is 'Manual' and the opposite of 'ease' is 'difficult' and 'effort'. So if you enjoy difficult driving along with additional effort then good for you, I much prefer enjoying the more effortless drive of a TC 9 speed auto.
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I enjoy driving too, but auto every time.
The prestige comment related to the fact that if you wanted a 'prestige car' and as someone that enjoys driving, as you say you do, you're likely to restrict your choice of cars if you only drive manuals.
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So far lots of posts "on preference" as requested by OP. But does anybody know if mechanically one is better than the other.
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North Americans seem to think so, it would probably seem a bit quaint to them hearing about manual gear boxes.
I much prefer autos, a much smoother drive and easier on arm joints. Now I'm driving an EV it's even easier, no clutch to think about.
(Our M/H is auto.)
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depends if you're comparing a manual with a torque converter - slush box - auto or an automated manual. DDG type autos still have clutch plates and actuators to wear out or break. I can't think that replacement of 2 clutch plates would be very cheap.
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I think you need to define "better" and, as ED said, which type of auto.
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My first auto was 2006, only kept it 6months as I hated it. In my opinion the 5 speed auto box didn't suit that engine. 12months later got another auto and haven't looked back since. My current tow car has an eight speed box and always seems to find the right gear, although occasionally I use the manual control to get a higher gear than the auto box wants to use when towing.
If you check the specs you'll find that there are cars with auto's that are more economical than manual version. My modern diesel autos have all had excellent fuel economy and the torque makes for a relaxing drive.
I wouldn't by choice go back to manual.