Any top tips for a newbie?

We recently got a new caravan, and I'm picking up various nuggets of useful information. Like leaving the brake off for long term parking.
I know there are some beginners guides here on this site which are useful, but what your top tips or 'gotchas' for caravanning? Things that you wish someone had told you when you started.
Do NOT buy loads of stuff. Raid the kitchen cupboards and loft for your first couple of trips so you can put together the basics. Plan a short local first run, close enough to pop back in case you've forgotten anything.
Get a cheap set of bathroom scales, IKEA, and 450mm length of 50x50mm and a 300x300mm piece of plywood so you can check the noseweight.
Weigh everything that goes into the van for the first time and keep a record. It is very easy to overload your van.
Do not buy an awning yet, but source a 2nd hand Isabella Shadow sun shade. It may be all you need.
Invest in a couple of good reclining chairs, the best you can afford.
If you plan to travel abroad a low wattage kettle is a must and for us our 2nd hand Remoska is used most days.
Never be afraid to ask a question of others, no matter how basic or stupid you think it may be. We are all on a learning curve.
Enjoy yourself.
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I'm a gal who makes lists - one for what needs to go either on the van or in the car, depending on the length of stay or time of year, i.e. awning/poles/peg/groundsheet, tables and chairs, bbq, food shopping, Remoska and/or slow cooker, another one for hitching up and an inventory (for insurance purposes).
When deciding on chairs, buy something that you can use both for relaxing and dining to save on space and weight.
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I agree with Jill. I could also make lists for England!! My lists (spreadsheets) are colour coded according to the sort/ length of outing/ time of the year. Each cupboard is numbered and contents have to go in the right place. The spreadsheet also tells me how much I paid for it, where I bought it from and the date of purchase. I sign items in and out according to the items we take. I also have a detailed list and diagram of how things fit in the boot of the car....
When we had a previous caravan stolen I simply sent them a slightly cut down version of the spreadsheet. They just looked at it and sent me a cheque for the full contents!
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when emptying your thetford toilet casette never put the cap on the edge of the emptying point, they do fit in the hole if you knock them in and never to be seen again!
Remember to empty your hot water tank before leaving, this can be emptied into your waste water tank to aid cleaning out.
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Before leaving home or a site remember to align your jockey wheel forward to aft before winding up the forward steadied prior to hitching up, as it makes for easier storage of it before setting off.
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Just a simple one, do an airline flight check on all the cupboards etc before setting off, make sure everything is securely closed and safely in position. There's nothing worse than the flying cream carton leaving your open fridge door en route for your holiday!
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Hope you enjoy your new hobby😁 Once you have got used to your van, vary your Sites, and consider CLs as well as Club Sites. There are some lovely ones in very nice locations. Lots of variety.😁
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You have already been advised to check all doors, cupboards etc but don't forget the roof lights (ie 'windows' in the roof). If not closed and locked they could open whilst travelling and break; and they are expensive to replace. A few weeks ago I was behind a caravan on the A1 and his large roof light was open and upright: luckily, I was able to warn him and I was pleased to see that he pulled in and secured it.
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Further to that make sure that your TV Ariel is down in a horizontal position and pointing towards the rear of your caravan.
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If anyone interrupts you when you are packing up on site start the process again if only by checking that things have been done.
This is a lesson learnt the hard way! Even after 30 years I still have a tendency to forget my own rule and it always costs me.
Make sure you see the service engineer torque the bolts on the wheels. Don't take his word for it or if you can't see it then check them before setting off. Check them anyway before each journey. Good habit to get into.
Stop in the first convenient lay-by and have a quick look inside the 'van just to make sure doors have stayed closed etc.
Don't forget to disengage the motor mover from the tyres before setting off.