Swift Command/Tracker & data privacy

Another DaveB
Another DaveB Forum Participant Posts: 30
edited June 2021 in Motorhomes #1

 We've just bought a brand new Swift Select panel van conversion, which comes with the Swift Command system.

I've now had a chance to read through all the bumpf in more detail, and, as I understand it:

- the Swift Command system is "free" for the first three years, and was set up by the retailer, but I have to activate it to use the remote facility.

- the Command system then costs another £30-40/yr after that.

- the Tracker component is not yet set up, I have to pay for that separately (£95/yr for the first 3 years, then another £80-90 *on top of the Command system* after that)

- Activating (or even having?) the Swift Command system means sending all my data (location, battery/water levels, etc etc) to Sargent - and that is *without* having the Tracker enabled!

I can't quite see why Sargent would need to be able to see all my data. OK, I can see that it has to go through a server somewhere to be able to get back to a phone if I was using the app - but I don't intend to, as it's parked on our drive when not in use. I can also see that data is of use in diagnosing a fault - but then submitting data/log files should be by exception, not the default setting. Besides, always online server systems are notorious for being unintentionally leaky in terms of personal data.

Furthermore, we were discussing security with a couple of neighbours, and both, independently, knew of people who had had vehicles stolen and the police hadn't bothered checking the tracker system as, as far as they were concerned, it was almost certainly out of the country within a few hours.

Does anyone else have, or has anyone else had, similar concerns relating to privacy? Because, as far as I can see, there is little benefit to us in having either the data component or the tracker component - the latter gives us a discount on the insurance, but at the cost of an ongoing subscription, and we could probably achieve a discount simply by using a wheel clamp and steering wheel lock.

I would be interested in knowing others' thoughts on this!



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,926
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2021 #2

    That level and complexity of technology is not camping as I know it. Personally I wouldn’t want any of it, and I live in an area where the security risk of theft is trivial, but I’m sure others will love having it all as part of their comfort blanket.  Perhaps you will let us know what you decide. Good wishes.

  • Another DaveB
    Another DaveB Forum Participant Posts: 30
    edited June 2021 #3


    I've just spoken to the insurance people, asking the difference in insurance cost between having the tracker system vs extra hardware (wheel clamp/steering wheel lock).

    They told me that the extra hardware makes no difference to the insurance, but I would need to have either the tracker or an alarm. At present there is no alarm fitted, and I suspect that the cost of having one fitted (not to mention the disturbance to the interior) would make it prohibitive. However, were I to have an alarm fitted instead of using the tracker would increase the insurance premium by £40.

    No, I don't like all this high-tech stuff either- and I work in it! Perhaps I've just seen too many ways in which things can go wrong, leaving a big digital mess for someone to have to clear up...

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2021 #4

    If we want to take advantage of many modern systems of controlling our lives that comes at a cost of less personal privacy. If it's not the tracker you have fitted to your motorhome it will be the system that allows you to control your central heating remotely. Recently when Andrew Marr challenged Tony Blair of the personal privacy of COVID passports he joked that your local supermarket probably knows more about you!!! This is probably true. If you can see no practical use, to you, from having a tracker, particularly if you would not want your van back if it was stolen, don't bother with it. There seems no nett advantage from an insurance point of view. I have had alarms fitted to two motorhomes by VanBitz and apart the obvious sensors on doors and lockers there is no evidence of the installation. They know what they are doing and sell an excellent product.


  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited June 2021 #5

    Its impossible to completely stop anyone getting into your home or stealing your van but my attitude is to make it as difficult as possible, just depends how far you want to go, its a brave man who would park his new caravan without a wheel lock, or hitch lock, alarms and trackers are just one further step down the road.