Lighting Bollards, useful or nuisance?

We've enjoyed a few stays on club sites, but generally prefer small independent sites. One reason is the bright light bollards so prevalent on club sites.
Each to their own preference I find them excessively bright, destroying much atmosphere of countryside, making sites feel more like suburbia; they also knock out any attempt at my eyes adjusting to night vision. If I need to find something I'll use a torch.
They also find any gaps round the edges of blinds, invading our caravan with light when we're in bed.
We returned to a small site in Pembrokeshire last month, where they've recently installed some EHU / water points, using bollards with lights on top. To my great joy, they've neatly wrapped black gaffer tape round most of the light glass, leaving only a small opening on the side away from the pitches, just enough to illuminate the tap. The owner told me that when they first installed them, their regular campers protested that they came for the darkness and peace, and the lights wrecked the lovely night skies.
You'll guess that we thought this was an excellent idea which should be adopted wherever these things are used.
Duplicate Post?
Are there others who prefer not to have bright lights, if any, on campsites?
If lighting's felt necessary, could they be much lower intensity?