An behaving badly with dogs

Thought I would throw this in the mix, being a dog owner myself I am very annoyed when I see someone giving all dog owners a bad name.
I was at Castleton last week when a caravan arrived and pitched two pitches from me, after he parked and set up his caravan he got the two dogs out, both on extending leads. He headed to the empty pitch opposite me a hard standing and released the leads to let his dogs onto the pitch to do both no 1s and number 2s in the middle of the pitch, he did pick it up but as he was literally 20 metre from the dog walk I felt it be appropriate to tell him the pitches were not for excising a dog on and where the dog walk was,in case he didn’t know.
He didn’t speak again all week.
Moderator Comment - The Community Manager has asked that the subject of dog or dog owner behaviour is not raise on the forum. If you see breaches of the rules please report to the site warden or write directly to the Club.
This happens all the time on Caravan Club sites and if you speak to the owners you either get verbal abuse or dirty looks. The wardens won’t speak to the owners about it unless you report the incident to them. It’s about time that the Caravan Club charged for dogs but that won’t happen because most of their members have dogs and they can bring as many as they want.
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Well done Clarinetman for speaking to the culprit. It's a pity more people don't either do that or bring it to the attention of the wardens instead of moaning on here. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Charlie, how would charging stop irresponsible owners from breaking the rules? The answer is surely for membership sanctions to be imposed.
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Yes, well done for speaking to the dog owner, I've done it myself and have also been treated to the "silent treatment" afterwards.
As for charging, I can't see that making any difference, it could possibly lead to an atiitude (by the minority I hasten to add, as the majority are responsible dog owners) of: I'm paying for my dog, so I can let it go where it wants
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Some might be interested to look at campsite search on There is a filter to select campsites where dogs are not admitted - and there are hundreds to choose from .
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All I can say is you’ll continue to be very annoyed.
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I must admit I was slightly worried when I saw the title of this thread.
Who was this "An"? Was it predictive text speak? Was it a Fetish Porn site? If so did I really want to know what Ann without an N was doing to be behaving so badly, and with a dog no less?
Than goodness it was just a foul (😉) problem found by a fellow member. Unfortunately not a unique one but quite rare in my experience.
Well done Clarinetman for pulling the guy up about this appalling behaviour.