What’s the point of the Club if sites are full?



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited May 2021 #122

    For those who seem unable to find the Minutes of the last AGM they are here https://www.caravanclub.co.uk/globalassets/pdfs/content/about-us/agm-minutes-24-october-2020.pdf and the full list of questions and answers here https://www.caravanclub.co.uk/globalassets/pdfs/content/about-us/agm-qa-2020.pdf


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #123

    Thankyou, for the link, and note that as posted by myself and others ,only ideas were being looked atwink

    The way you post , does make one wonder if you are in public relations, as your post seem to be what you hope some will accept as gospel, rather than what is actually in the answers to the questions askedcool

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited May 2021 #124

    Thankyou, for the link, and note that as posted by myself and others ,only ideas were being looked at

    and so the Club is listening and I said, and I quote from one of my posts above.

    " Hopefully change is on the horizon otherwise think I will be in Hitch's camp thinking "whats the point"

    So I fully realise what the Clubs says and actually happens may not meet mine and others expectations.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited May 2021 #125

    Thanks, David. It's not inability to find those items, rather it's a vain struggle to find the referred to 'facts' about the future. As yet, the system is only being looked at and it is outlined in the vaguest terms. We wait to hear...

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited May 2021 #126

    Interestingly you challenged me (and a serving warden) when I posted that re-joining rates were high and new membership was high. You posted (paraphrasing) that this was not the case and I should read the AGM to get my facts correct. I now have PD:

    53,000 new households were recruited into membership, the highest in well over a decade. And as a result of a strong renewal rate, with over 300,000 families choosing to renew, the total membership numbers grew to over 355,000 households. The strong renewal rate was a good indication that members were satisfied with our sites and services, and recognised the value of belonging to the Club.

    So it appear I was correct?


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited May 2021 #127

    Yes +1, a constant referral to facts when they are nothing of the sort.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2021 #128

    Ah yes, I remember reading about that and a couple of other sites that were opening showers. But I thought it was on condition that they were cleaned (by a dedicated cleaner) between each use? Must admit we haven't  been on a touring site since selling our van 18 months ago but that was the impression I got talking to the owners of the site where we have our static.

    But, Ian, if you're still looking in and if that site is providing those facilities for less than half the club site price, perhaps you could add it to the "small private sites" thread.  Good publicity for the site and great information for your fellow members. 👍

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #129

    Two points with your postundecided

    1,  a bit nieve expecting to be able to book  for a June tour this late with the situation as it is surprised

    2 Seasonal pitches which are not a growing trend , and are only available on sites, that would in normal times be struggling to be viable without them because of poor occupancy by touring membersundecided 

    unless other comercial sites are  below what is expected these days  I would think it would still be dificult to make up a tour as you seem to wantfrown

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited May 2021 #130

    SGB, I agree with JVB that expecting to book sites for June only a few weeks ahead in this year of all years is being extremely optimistic.

    I do find your post rather denigrating of fellow posters and, in view of your protestations, I’m surprised you posted at all. Only you can decide if it's worth continuing your membership but it would be rather foolhardy to base any decision on circumstances prevailing this year.

    Btw, I see you chose not to reply to my earlier post so I'm left to assume you have done nothing to bring your concerns to the club's direct attention. Your choice, obviously, but you can’t expect your views to be taken on board if you don't make them known in the right place.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2021 #131
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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited May 2021 #132

    That looks like it came from the 2019 minutes because that is the highest it been since 2016 and it actully dropped according to the 2020 minutes to 352,015 members. You cannot glene a great deal from one set of minutes, here are some quotes from the past years AGMs

    2016 AGM minutes

    “Membership numbers had been flat for two to three years”

    “It was a challenge to grow membership

    Renewal rate was 85.7 percent

    Outfit nights per family 6.9

    Membership fee £46

    2017 AGM minutes

    351,120 members

    Renewal rate 86.3 percent

    Membership fee £48

    2018 AGM Minutes

    352,000 members

    Membership fee £49

    Outfit nights decreased by 1 percent

    2019 AGM minutes

    350,613 members, a slight fall in numbers

    Renewal rate 86 percent, a slight fall.

    2020 AGM minutes

    352,015 members

    Membership up by just 0.4 percent

    Renewal rate 86.1 percent

    Outfit nights per family 6.84

    So the membership has remained fairly flat over the past 5 years and so has the renewal rates and occupancy rates. No growth in spades!


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited May 2021 #133

    Good try PD but it is from the 2020 AGM held on the 24th October 2020. It's near the beginning section 1.2, didn't you see it? Also the in spades was a quote from JK which was talking about members renewing. 

    also I posted if you will check: 

    'Interestingly you challenged me (and a serving warden) when I posted that re-joining rates were high and new membership was high. You posted (paraphrasing) that this was not the case and I should read the AGM to get my facts correct'

    So why you're answering that with a post about growth I do not understand. My point is proved by the club.

    So the membership has remained fairly flat ... and so has the renewal rates and occupancy rate

    Btw is a 4% increase in occupancy flat to your standards? Well you say one thing and the club says another, I'll go with:

    53,000 new households were recruited into membership, the highest in well over a decade. And as a result of a strong renewal rate, with over 300,000 families choosing to renew, the total membership numbers grew to over 355,000 households. The strong renewal rate was a good indication that members were satisfied with our sites and services, and recognised the value of belonging to the Club.

    sounds good doesn't it!

    But still puzzles when you say you're not bothered about using club sites when clearly you bother so much?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited May 2021 #134

    53,000 new households were recruited into membership, the highest in well over a decade. And as a result of a strong renewal rate, with over 300,000 families choosing to renew, the total membership numbers grew to over 355,000 households. The strong renewal rate was a good indication that members were satisfied with our sites and services, and recognised the value of belonging to the Club.

    That seems to me like someone from the Club trying to putting a positive spin on membership figures. The actual real membership figure from the the various AGM figures it has remained at around the 352,000 mark for five years. Obviously each year people drop out from the Club for a variety of reasons like age, no longer caravanning and perhaps a few who feel it no longer to their advantage to belong to the Club. Saying that 53,000 new households joined the Club could be seen as misleading because it doesn't mean that we have 53,000 new members. Newly recruited households could be somewhere between 12,000 and 53,000 and the clear reality is those new households are only maintaining member numbers, measure by the number of membership fees paid, not really growing them. The latest figures quoted refer to 2019, AGM figures are always working on the previous year. It will be interesting to see at this years AGM how the 2020 figures pan out?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #135

    If the figures quoted increase by any large amount, ,it will then be another closed thread, with more members than ever complaining that they cannot get pitches, 

    The club in the past have advised staff that there are not enough pitches for all the members if we all decided to to use sites at once

    And that was when the membership was lower than quoted now, so even with the latest aquisions, the pitch capacity on club sites is not enough 

    Households these days of still nesting children  and their children, there are several where we live as they cannot get on the housing ladder without moving a long distance away, are now family members with their own membership cards


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited May 2021 #136

    Corners have a look at section 2.7, its at varience with 1.2


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited May 2021 #137

    what to believe eh? Actually I'm that bothered to check again, to borrow your phrase.

    Or perhaps 2.7 is at variance with 1.2? Depends on what one wants to prove?

    But really if there inconsistencies within the AGM minutes then perhaps you shouldn't be using them to prove your facts or a point of view?

    Works both ways of course but, with respect you are the one always urging people to read the AGM minutes.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited May 2021 #138

    missed off not above

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,073
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    edited May 2021 #139

    That's just what I said a day or so ago, WN. Some people are just looking for problems instead of just getting on line,or looking in the SD and searching, as the majority of members do.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited May 2021 #140

    Apologies for parrotting you.embarassed

    I think I almost lost the will to stay awake so skipped a few pages.

    Ironic really that neither of us find it much of a problem yet will struggle to stay on more than a couple of club sites between us in the year.

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited May 2021 #141

    Because of the bizarre nature of the booking system I found that there was sudden availability at the site we were interested in so I went ahead and booked four nights as a non-member then rejoined the Club. I will top up the rest of the stay with commercial sites which still seem to have plenty of room.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited May 2021 #142

    Bizarre or not, you got what you wanted, HG, even at this late stage. 

    Enjoy your trip.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,073
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    edited May 2021 #143

    No problem, it's good to have the data I found confirmed.

    I can't understand this insatiable desire by some to be on a specific CC site when there are more often than not alternatives available in the same area.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2021 #144
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited May 2021 #145

    Welcome back!!!

    I was trying to book a week on the IOW and managed to get quite a few odd days. Went to check one morning and the following week had the whole seven days availability so booked that and cancelled the odd days. Just wondered if someone preferred a week in Portugal rather than the IOWsmile


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited May 2021 #146

    There's a review of the Castleton site on here dated 6 May 2021 mentioning 21 "no shows"  in a weekend at that site with "almost half " of them not notifying the site of the cancellation. Wrists will be slapped no doubt, and shoulders shrugged. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited May 2021 #147

    We've been saying all along on here that there will be cancellations by the bucketful as Europe opens up. Maybe we're seeing the start of it.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited May 2021 #148

    It's bad, if correct, but the reviewer's suggestion of 20% deposit would, I suspect, result in far more of the 21 failing to notify the site. It would probably equate to about £5 p/n - peanuts. The reviewer fails to see the uniqueness of the club's system and wants it to follow commercial practices. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,073
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    edited May 2021 #149

    There are cancellations happening all the time as is demonstrated on the CL Booking Site  on FB, and this has been happening for weeks, so doesn't look to be because of the change in the possibility of overseas travel. I imagine that the same thing is happening to CC site bookings,  it's just the nature of some ( many? few?) members, and there is no way you, I or anyone else on here will know the reasons or actual numbers.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2021 #150

    When speaking to an aquaintance half an hour ago, he said he has got onto a site that showed only a few pitches available. ;but it showed earlier that a lot of blue vacant slots , he was told by the site staff that numerous pitches that were being refurbished had now been released for usecool

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,428
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    edited May 2021 #151

    SGB, posts critical of the club do not get Deleted User for that reason alone but, as the guidelines describe, those being offensive to other posters will be Deleted User.

    The only thing the deletion proves is that the guidelines were breached.