Handy Tip?

Just been reading MMM magazine whilst waiting for Margaret to attend her diabetic eye clinic. There was a clever tip of how to get into cassette holding tank which I liked. These tanks require a circular section to be removed in order to access the inside of the tank to get to the float mechanism . The guy giving the tip used an old number plate place between the two ridges to twist the circular section open. I have a garage full of old number plates from previous tow cars as I imagine many do.
I seem to recall using the sliding cover that sits over the hole.
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I believe that that is the recommended tool,especially if you have always been a motorcaravan person as you are unlikely to have spare number plates unless you intend to display another plate for illicit reasons! Just be aware that the plastic lugs that are moulded into the plate have been known to break if the hatch rubber is really stuck!
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On the subject of tips, for those that store their caravan or motorhome with access to continual electric, something that I do may be of interest. To keep my battery charged I have my mains lead plugged in via a timer. This is set to two hours per day. It keeps the battery at 12.8v. My charger is supposed to be OK left on continually but with the added advice from Sargent to disconnect the power for a couple of days every month. My method doesn't need my memory.
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As long as the contents removed are not temporarily placed on a camping stool ...
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Correct, it was not done as a joke but due to a need to edit the original!HOWEVER.......health and safety notices should be stuck onto the removal tool as a reminder.These notices will be available from companies that produce sticky signs but unfortunately in two colours only........brown and pee green
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David’s tip does work, found it difficult using the sliding cover, using old modified number plate improved leverage and less likely hand damage. Have a look at my post 12/10/2017, Parts and Accessories under “Thetford Seal Replacement “ photos show.
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Looks like you got there first, UM, unless David was reading a very old magazine.😀
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You may be surprised to see the limescale build up onside your nice sweet smelling loo. I was.
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That's crystallised uric acid build up, not limescale EM!!