New Sites Directory

Question for any walkers here.
On Page 124 in the new sites directory,which is for the Peak District,it states "The Peak District is world famous through Wainwrights Sketchbooks" but I thought Wainwright was famous for his sketchbooks on the Lake District.
Does anyone know if you can purchase his sketchbooks on the Peak District.Google does not bring up any results for Peak District.
Yes, I have found more information,it is a sketchbook of pictures, not as I thought a sketchbook of his fell side walking maps which he is famous for walking in the Lake District.
I still think its rather misleading though,to put Wainwright under the Peak District.
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It's a very unusual claim that the Peak District is world famous due to Wainwright's sketchbooks isn't it?! I think the Peak District has done well all on it's own.
Maybe the claim on the Lake District could then be worldwide and interplanetary...
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The description on page 124 is misleading. Afaik, he only had 1 sketchbook of the Peak District published and a pictorial one at that. Page 124 states "World famous through Wainwright's sketchbooks...". It's obvious that they have confused the Peak District with Lakeland.
They don't seem to have anyone working on the S.D. with a Geography pass grade of any sort.
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Even if they had meant " the Lake District" they are completely off the mark as the LD was world famous long before AW was born. Had they still been around William Wordsworth and John Ruskin would certainly dispute the claim!! All AW did was popularized it, some say to it's detriment.
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I think I said before, they do but it was a predicted grade pass
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if only they knew that much, or that they actually knew they know nothing that would be a start
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Aerial bold font is the most often used font for headings in lists and directories. The unknown font used in the sites directory for the site names could hardly be different from this and clearly shows why aerial is the usual choice. This font is another move on the downward quality path of the directory. If you are determined to get rid of it, please do so and stop this war of attrition.
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It’s “Arial”. If you’re having a rant, at least get the spelling right. the air
Arial........a well known font
Ariel........a well known washing powder