A Merry Christmas and a Happy Caravanning New Year

Hi everyone,
This year is going to be a Christmas like no other in our lifetime. At a time when families usually get together, and some caravanners and motorhomes still get out and about in their units, this year may well be different and more difficult. We are going to be confined to meeting in smaller groups and are going to be relying on other means e.g. Zoom, in order to see our families and friends, and no doubt there will be less sites open for us to visit if we get out and about.
It would be great to have a thread where we could just share the good things that we are doing this Christmas, or just an opportunity to pass on good wishes to everyone. It would be good to see any photos of your Christmas caravan/ motorhome set-ups, or even to let folk know if you are considering getting out in the caravan or your plans for a Caravanning/ Motorhoming New Year? You could also post other photos too: carol singing, family get togethers, how you've decorated your house this Christmas, funny Christmas stories/ photos, caravanning gifts you have had for Christmas, or will be giving, etc. Feel free to post more than once.....
I'll start this as Caravan/ Motorhome Chat, but it may be more appropriate to move it to elsewhere later on, if it becomes less caravan and more 'general'... we'll see how we go.
Let spread some good Christmas cheer and new year hope.....
....and a Merry Christmas from me. Here's one of our Christmas caravan photos from last year..... Christmas lights in the caravan.....
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I was out and about early this morning and in Aldi's at 8a.m. finishing off the Christmas shopping. Stollen cake, turkey, chocolate (Aldis is very good for dark chocolate which we both prefer) Irish Cream Liquer (recommended by "Which") and a few other bits and pieces.
While we will only be zooming family this year we are still having all the trimmings for just the two of us. We have only skimed a bit on putting up the decorations which I always consider a chore. We have mainly focused on lights this year. Very little inside decoration other than a couple of pre--decorated artificial trees.
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Every Christmas Day starts off the same - we will have changed the alarm clocks to even earlier (to get all the stock milked, fed, mucked out and bedded) before breakfast, then we can have a "longer" day.
Working clothes get a little more festive, before we dress up and crack out the Bucks Fizz and Rum Butter.
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Rather different this year but our road is doing well, not done our Dec's yet as too early for us like them up until 12th night, our wedding anniversary. Won't be doing too much as we're hoping to go to son and daughter in law and this year with travel dates it'll be even more risky 😪.
Our Church has organised Advent Windows again this year, some days 2 houses as not enough to do 2 full calendars my favourites so far this year are below. The standard is very high 😀 and I'm glad I didn't put us forward as I couldn't think how to do one 😱. Makes a different dog walk early evening for the latest unveiling.
There was a general consensus to decorate the front of our houses and socially distanced switched on with mulled wine and mince pies last Saturday at 4pm.
We've had the usual Rotary Club Father Christmas on his sleigh with Carol's, sadly door to door collection suspended this year and online giving - I expect that will be much reduced 😪. They came last Sunday so the street looked good for them.
Then Tuesday evening there were Carol's on the doorstep at 6pm courtesy of the life church. Lovely trailer display with music speakers. Only got a video of that.
I think that's it all for the street this year and still 2 weeks to go. At least the Advent windows will take us up to Christmas.
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Our art teacher daughter designed a lino print cut out and colour card for everyone this year...I had to buy some felt pens to get mine done. I expect all our results will get posted on whatsapp!
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We got the best Christmas present ever this morning. A very dear and much loved friend, (he and is wife are Club Members) has finally got home, still very ill and weak, after five very long weeks in hospital. It was touch and go at times, but couldn’t wish for anything nicer. He came home with this.......
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Peedee.... Some of the Aldi stuff is really good. In particular, we linked the Abbots Broome hand soap and the better prosecco... Loving the hat Goldie.. 🙂 We're doing a low-key Carol service at Polesworth Abbey (it's allowed) - but only the socially distanced choir is allowed to sing inside - so were finishing with some carols outside (where everyone is allowed to sing) and hopefully folk with bring there own mulled wine! The lino print looks lovely Brue and pleased to hear that your friends are out of hospital and making a good recovery.
We've collected the caravan today after warranty work and I've repaired the Heki roof light blind. I've put in an order for some more Colapz stuff for the caravan - that is the caravans Christmas present sorted!! 😃 .... and I've given some thought as to where we might go in the caravan when we are allowed, in the New Year - the N.West and Holy Island will be one place on our list.
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Good job you dont live in a town in Ayrshire.........the local police have banned father christmas from a socially distanced drive around the town as it is "non essential travel"!!!!!!
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Evening All
So, early seasons greetings from us at Cirencester Park. Different times we're in but we're learning to adapt. We've now strung the lights up around reception and the tree is up and decorated in the "empty" reception. In normal times we'd welcome all to some wine and nibbles and a laugh on Christmas eve but not this year. Hopefully we can organise some socially distanced carol singing outside depending on the weather (bring your own refreshments!!)
Cheers All
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In one house I had, there were three fanlight windows above the garage door so I did three wise men on camels with coloured tissue backlit with the grace strip lights. All my street facing windows are blocked by a car and motorhome now.
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December 16th might be a good day for the socially distanced carol singing JK. I know some local radio stations are also taking part... might also be good for some PR publicity. The associated website is www.doorstepcarols.co.uk where you can download the words. Just a thought JK...?
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Please explain to me the reason for removal of my post reference father christmas......it was not rude or inflamatory.!!!!!!
Apologies Nothing New.... I think I may have done it in error...not quite sure how that happened. I'll pop it back on... 🙂
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thank you.have a good time everybody
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You too NN.
P.S. Don't you think some graffiti just works - see photo... 😃😃
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Very clever. Scruffy but clever.
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Beautiful day today, no twinkly lights just a traditional holly wreath.
Happy Christmas to all
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As ever, his work carries a message. Let's remember those less fortunate than ourselves.
Thanks for posting that, Rocky.
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Still looking forward to Christmas Day, in spite of the restrictions. Out eldest daughter and son in law will be staying at home on the Island of Lewis and Harris. Out son and his family will be having Christmas at home, just the other side of the village, our other daughter will be home for a few days. Our Christmas lunch will be a quiet time, but then we will all get together on Zoom in the afternoon with our family and 'extended family'. We will miss not meeting in person, but we'll manage.
We'll miss the caravanning and look forward to what we can do within the limits of the restrictions invthe new year. My experience is that the Club have been very careful in making sites safe for members.
We've missed all the music. Managinging to do a Carol Service at Polesworth Abbey next Sunday afternoon, with a smaller choir and restricted congregation. Only the choirxare allowed to sing. My other choirs have not met since March. However, one of my groups produced a Virtual performance of a simple Christmas Carol I conjured up a few years back. Those who took part recorded their own parts on their phones, and I managed to stitch it all together.
The thing our family will miss most is the game of 'human buckeroo' at my expense, during the post Christmas meal snooze. If I find the photo, I'll post it, so do check back
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Thanks ADP and Brue - it's quite simple. In needs to be for a virtual performance.... if you are sitting at home listening to the orchestral accompaniment through headphones, and singing your own part as a video on your mobile, it's quite a strange experience.. and it begins to each up the phone memory after around 40 takes... 😃😃
Just thought it might make us feel a little more, Christmassy and hopefully it helped those in the group concerned (at least those who managed the technology to take part), and who haven't met in person since last March.
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.... and the caravan Christmas present has arrived today... 😃😃. Some special rock pegs from Colapz to hold up the flexi-waste pipes... just want the opportunity to use them now!! I do love the stuff from Colapz.... expensive, but the quality is excellent, in my opinion.
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Expensive indeed at £2.50 each! I think I'll keep recycling by using one litre PET bottles with the top cut off at an appropriate height for the slope required.
Later this afternoon it will be announced what the legal restrictions on travel will be outside the five-day infection fest. This will be the deciding factor on how Christmas and New Year will be spent.