Hello all from Bristol

AmberPaul Forum Participant Posts: 8
edited October 2020 in Introductions #1

We are very new to this and have had a steep learning curve in 5 weeks ownership of a 7 year old Bentley Motorhome.  We bought it with a view to preserving Sylvia's sanity through an expected winter of shielding and as the only hope of seeing young grand-children in Italy for the foreseeable future. The latter is on hold until various Governments and travel insurers say when we can go.

6 CL sites visited so far in Cotswolds, near Oxford, Suffolk, Hertfordshire, Sheffield and Derbyshire, all interesting, most lovely with long views. We are getting to know some tricks, eg when booking ask where the water is as it may be too far from your pitch for even 2 hoses.

In one I had to carry 200 yards and we don't have space for an Aquaroll. Is there a collapsible water container with wheels that needs minimal storage space?

We have had some tecchy faults and needed the supplier to sort these and one I am trying to fix myself......intermittent shut down of the 12volt system. As a retired Electronics Engineer I know what to look for....tests ongoing.

Odd that on a Gaslow refillable LPG cylinder the gauge is easily viewable from the side and shows near empty, but a mirror allows view of the top and that shows full! I have asked in  the beginners section for advice on choice of remote gauge.

It does take a while to get used to the small space when we have been blessed by big houses....we now know how to avoid rows, usually!


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #2

    Welcome to CT and all the quirks that come with it (not just the websitewink)

    Unable to assist with you gauge "problem" do not use refillable cylinders some one will hopefully be along to assist?

    Nice motor caravans from man who made our Autocruise (before Swift took over and down graded the quality)  very well built,pity not still in prodution

  • MalcMc
    MalcMc Forum Participant Posts: 71
    First Comment
    edited October 2020 #3

    Hi Paul, I have the Gaslow system my gauge on top viewable with a mirror is exactly the same, my advice is fill to the brim and see how you go, we wild camp a bit and use gas then, but find one fill a year keeps us going fine, had the van 18 months are about to refill for the second time from new, economical and cheap, hope some help.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,953
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    edited October 2020 #4

    Hi AmberPaul.  Great to hear from you and welcome to Club Together.

    About the collapsible water container.  You can buy lightweight collapsible water containers, but may be quite small (relatively speaking).  However, on the horizon, the company Colapz are going to be producing 20 litre collapsible containers which can be linked together.

    They also produce other collapsible products, including flexi-waste pipes, a d a Fresh Mini Kit for use on serviced pitches.  They are not cheap, but their products are good, and well worth a look.  Here is a link:...


    Do let us know how you are getting on with the Motorhome.


  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited October 2020 #5

    Hi, We have a caravan not a MH but ,on the water front, we never drink water form the Aquaroll but always have two 1.5/2 litre bottles of still water that are topped up from the site taps.

    Assuming you have a water tank this woukd be used for washing/ dishes etc, as we use our Aquaroll.

    Very low tech, cheap and readily available!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2020 #6
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  • AmberPaul
    AmberPaul Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2020 #7

     Thanks I will look out for that 20L water container.

    So far, hoses worked at most sites but one required a 100m carry......3 trips with a collapsible bucket and water can.

    The rectangular can that someone has suggested would take up too much storage space in our small MH, like aquaroll.

    We have not visited sites with washing facilities as we favour CLs

  • AmberPaul
    AmberPaul Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2020 #8

    Getting on quite well but still have trouble with the 12v system.

    I have emailed the maker of our EOS for advice......

  • AmberPaul
    AmberPaul Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2020 #9

    I decided the cheap and reliable battery free answer to the Gaslow gauge is a small mirror tjhat lives near the cylinder!