Why can't some people just comply?

DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,419
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edited August 2020 in General Chat #1

After the recent high tides and heavy rain people in Cornwall and parts of Devon were told that there was higher than usual volume of sewage in the water and best not to bathe, lots still went in. Yesterday and today, with the wind and high tides people were told to stay out of the sea due to the high waves. The tide was so high that the beach huts at Woolacombe were taken by the waves and are being tossed about in the sea like bath plugs. Still people went in and had to be rescued. What is wrong with people if they can't use common sense or do as they are asked. It becomes more obvious why this virus is spreading when you see that some people just seem unable to do what is being asked of them. This mentality and lack of common sense astouns me.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited August 2020 #2

    I  quite agree DEBSC ~~  this world is full of highly educated and qualified Idiots !!

     I still accept the old Dictum that :~~ Common Sense is not very Common !!

  • SeasideBill
    SeasideBill Forum Participant Posts: 2,112
    edited August 2020 #3

    On a more positive note, this self destruct mechanism probably helps to keep the gene pool in balance!

    The ones who frighten me are those who think close proximity to potentially lethal conditions is a fun holiday experience for their kids! One minute smiling and laughing, the next swept away by forces nobody can resist. Try as many do, messages about water safety just don’t get through to some.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #4

    I always worry about "our lot" (my family) getting into difficulties, many years ago our middle daughter, aged about eleven, swam a long way out to sea on the Lleyn Peninsula. Luckily when she reached a headland she swam back, children and adults often don't see the dangers. Non life guarded beaches, undertows, receding tides, the sea is a very powerful force.

    I saw this clip of a rescue in Dorset, lucky man to have those people around! 

    BBC Human Chain Rescue LINK


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited August 2020 #5

    Unfortunately it seems to becoming more common. Wether it be folk not heeding advice on water safety, wearing flip flops on mountains or walking under trees in full leaf in a gale such as today. Then of course the rescue services put their lives on the line, to try and pull them out of a situation they should never have got into.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,729
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    edited August 2020 #6

    Even before the virus and in all situations, work, school, shopping malls, campsites, roads... there are those who do not follow either common sense or advice, or rules. It is sadly just the way things have always been. 

    If it only affected them that would be great.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,490
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    edited August 2020 #7

    Lucky toddler in Staithes. Somehow,🤷‍♀️ had fallen into harbour. Local lad, just eleven years old, jumped in and performed rescue. Both unharmed, toddler checked out at hospital. The grateful parents gave him a tenner. 🤨Personally, I would have locked them up. Frankly, some parenting is so shocking it makes you want to scream. Who in their right mind is so inattentive that a toddler can fall into a flooded harbour........

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #8

    Accidents with children can happen in a split second, even with the best of parents. Most of the problems with the sea this summer seem to involve fully fledged adults.