First time away on own

free2419 Club Member Posts: 48
First Comment
edited August 2020 in Solo Caravanning & Touring #1

My first time on my own after painful separation and it was ok but are there any groups to join for people who caravan alone thank you


  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited August 2020 #2

    There appear to be several groups around but 18 months ago I couldn't find one that was prepared to share where and when they rallied and I put a comment on here so I gave up and now just attend rallies with my CAMC Centre which I am quite enjoying.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    edited August 2020 #3

    Have a look at the Travelling Alone thread in this section. There are a couple of Links in there and mention of groups. Best of Luck.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2020 #4

    Hello free2419, well done to you for managing a trip away, I put a link on to the New Companions camping web site on another thread. Here it is again, >LINK<  hope this is useful for you. smile

  • ErnieJH
    ErnieJH Forum Participant Posts: 114
    edited August 2020 #5

    I made my first trip on my own last September and had planned a series of trips this year to try an make my mind if I wanted to continue with the van. But of course Covid had other ideas. So my next trip which is in September will be my second on my own. I have joined one of the singles clubs but so far haven't been to a meet because they were either in locations I didn't fancy or on dates I couldn't make. I'm probably my own worst enemy as I prefer to go to sites which offer serviced pitches which tends to limit things.

    What I would like to do when I go to a site is to be able to meet up informally with anyone else who is on their own for a chat or a cup of tea, all socially distanced of course, But I'm not sure how that could be arranged in a secure way. Perhaps I could put a sign up saying free cup of tea to anyone on their own. 

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited August 2020 #6

    " Solo's" s very active on here ,maybe check that out ?? wink.