July opening
I must admit I have seen people walking a few hundred meters in clothes that I would be wearing on top of the fells later on but personally rain or shine or wind (sometimes all three) and all year round it's always a tee shirt and shorts no matter what. If it's really raining then a mini umbrella perhaps.
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one could use one's smoking jacket
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It's something worn indoors, usually, as an alternative to an anorak. 😄
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and more so the chemical disposal point, we are being advised to put the toilet lid down before flushing, i can honestly say i dont think i have ever used a CDP without having some reservations, even though i have used some that scrub up very well, but the thought of increased numbers now tipping the contents of a cassette into a 3ft black hole and hearing an almight splash, and then using a hose to do the necessary to the cassette and the stainless steel curved surface to wash down, ughhhhh!!!, and just to add to that you are now under pressure because there is a queue
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gives us your description then, as i cant remember the last time i used a club site, but many of the commercial sites seem to fit my description as do many of those over there. I am sure club sites as i said "scrub up well" but sorry CCEP's are never my favourite place and i have noticed that many now wear marigolds when using.
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Thanks AD, I just wondered. There’s a huge difference in case numbers and deaths between UK and some of places like Croatia, Greece, etc.... so I suppose they do right to be very wary. Another downside to what has happened over here, way lockdown, etc.... has been managed.☹️
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So you’ve never had an early morning swim, followed by breakfast on a Cornish beach then? Prior to spending the rest of the morning on there, in and out of sea, back out for lunch, then leave just as the hoards arrive with all their kids, paraphernalia, radios?😁
We were once on Porth Kidney so early, it was still misty, had a close encounter with a small fishing boat, nearly ended up in his net!
We have done South beach Scarborough for a swim in February as well. Bit too extreme for us now though, we are ageing wimps nowadays😂
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We still have a ferry booked for September, Portsmouth to Caen. Will consider moving that nearer the time once things look a bit clearer (will they ever) It is on the 'Flexi' booking system with BF so will probably move it to next spring.
If we do decide to go away come the autumn we might go via the tunnel rather than ferry and probably stay to Germany, Luxembourg and France. Would love to go to Spain in the Autumn as we had to abandon it last year, then of course this year we have covid.
Next year we will be out of Europe and OH will be 70 so insurance is going to cost more (if we can get any) this year was to be our year of going all round Spain. However I would rather be alive and well so not going to risk travelling anywhere until we know its safe to do so.
No other holidays booked for this year or next, most unusual for us but as you now can't get insurance cover for covid (unless booked before lockdown) who is going to risk booking a holiday overseas. There could be a return of covid come the winter months and that's when we usually go on a cruise, not this winter me thinks.
Using the caravan shower isn't a problem but if the facilities are to be closed then I would like to see a reduction in the fees. If not then I doubt we won't be using the main sites, not until the low season anyway.
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At least you usually have the choice of using one in the open air rather than a small cubicle with the door closed!!! You can also, if you should wish, get garbed up with gloves and face mask if you want. The contents of the cassette have also been sitting in chemicals or even washing detergent which will lessen viral effect to a greater extent so I would suggest using an emptying point of a Club site, whilst not pleasant, might be a lot less dangerous than using a toilet cubicle? Whilst flushing a toilet with the seat down is good advice how many of the flush and forget brigade will check whether the pan is actually clean or whether the flush has actually worked, a big problem on Club sites!
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The only upgrades i have noted on cc ccep over the years are they were originally a tile finish and the hole was big enough for the cassette caps and sliders to disappear through and at times block the drains
,they now tend to be one piece plastic and t he hole is smaller
the latest anti sypon fittings on all the taps is evidently a legal water companies requirement,the problem on some site I find is the taps are to low which when needing to rinse the cassette or hopper "activates" the anti syphon fitting if the hose is restricted when being used
Any further "info?"please contact site staff
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We have done South beach Scarborough for a swim in February as well. Bit too extreme for us now though, we are ageing wimps nowaday
North beach used to be our hang out, we used to holiday at Scalby Mills holiday camp on top of cliffs, now a housing estate, sis and i used to be up at crack of dawn either playing in the river or sea. When living in Scotland we used to do skinny dipping in Loch Ord, now have to make do with the Solent, not great but much improved since the cruise liners stopped, but dont do winter swimming any more, too cold and to much hassle getting in and out of a wet suit
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No other holidays booked for this year or next, most unusual for us but as you now can't get insurance cover for covid (unless booked before lockdown) who is going to risk booking a holiday overseas
Not checked it out but was informed Staysure are providing cover for covid on new policies, but at what price ?
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A wet suit😂 That’s cheating. We’ve had to buy one for OH, he’s not allowed to do the cold water shock risk anymore, got a shortie.
I can’t see us overnighting anywhere soon, at least not for next couple of months. Club will be waiting on Govt advice before releasing an opening date. Might have to deep clean those sites with residents on as well, then a decision made as to how sites will be run.
We will be using small sites for foreseeable future. Purely as dormer stays. We will be quite content in our own little unit, only having interaction with other humans infrequently at a petrol pump, or for a bit of food stock up. I might even see if I can organise a food delivery🤔 We are perfectly happy just walking, cycling, distancing on a small site.
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thank you for your detailed description but i have still not warmed to the idea of perhaps 100 units using maybe a couple of CDP's out in the open or not, and with the frequency that somebody on here reported they get blocked, perhaps i will stay at home..,
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Or stay at home!
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I have only emptied a loo cassette once. It’s a designated task in our unit😇 We find an agreed division of tasks works very well, even if I do have to use a prodder every now and then😂 (The prodder gets the human up and moving, not the cassette👍)
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"Club will be waiting on Govt advice before releasing an opening date. Might have to deep clean those sites with residents on as well, then a decision made as to how sites will be run."
That's correct TDA. It's good people having ideas and suggestions and more importantly their opinions but at the end of the day IF we open we will have done all is reasonably practicable to keep everyone safe enough. More importantly to me is myself and my colleagues are safe.
I mentioned this before, life on club sites as we know it will be very different, a very new normal.
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In 26 years of caravanning I have never had to queue for a shower or the use of a toilet. Why would I need to now? A lot of you seem to be paranoid of this virus. Provided you stay 2m apart from other people not part of your household (where possible). And practice good hand hygiene the chances of you catching this virus is minuscule. You cannot catch it any other way apart from breathing in the droplets from an infected person or touching your mouth, nose or eyes with unclean hands. Someone exiting a shower cubicle would you would hope be clean surely. Someone exiting a toilet without washing their hands is not acceptable, but that's a risk you yourself can mitigate against by sanitising your hands outside. The ideal scenario is hand sanitiser before you go in the block and hand sanitise afterwards. From someone who has worked throughout this situation I have had to use door handle, telephones, shared kitchen facilities and toilets etc all possible contaminated by other people But common sense is you don't keep touching your face unless your hands have just been cleaned. Come on people get a grip or your life is not gonna be worth living.