Lack of honesty & transparency

gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
edited May 2020 in Club Membership #1

I notice the club are promoting site voucher offers again on their facebook page today . Thats fine , but i feel it important that buyers are aware of the new changes that there is an expiration date now.  Then they can make an informed choice about whether to purchase or not . I just got blocked from their Facebook page for pointing that out . Not even in an unpleasant way , just as a point to note.  Considering its a members club , i’m not sure thats fair . I dont expect this thread to last long either. But transparency breeds loyalty in my book. 


  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
    250 Likes 500 Comments
    edited May 2020 #2

    "All orders up to and including 28 April 2020 will receive vouchers with no expiry date. All orders from 29 April 2020 onwards will receive vouchers valid until 31st December 2021".

    Isn't that a clear enough explanation.

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #3

    Yes...its perfectly clear to me. You would be really surprised at the amount of people not realising that on the facebook page though.

    I mearly pointed it out to a few people , one gentleman was particularly grateful as he really hadn't realised. My distress here though is why the caravan club should block me for those comments . 
    thats underhanded and suspicious surely . Why block someone for pointing that out 😞

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2020 #4

    Just goes to show how open and transparent the forum is compared to Facebook then, because it's been discussed at great lengths on here!  smile

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #6

    So many people not realising on the facebook page though ...honestly .

    my main point of posting though is suspicion and concern why my voice was silenced instead of addressed with openness. Why block me 🤷‍♀️. Only people with something to hide, or those not liking whats being said surely 🤷‍♀️

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #7

    Yeah...they completely blocked me from their entire facebook page 🤷‍♀️

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,495
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    edited May 2020 #8

    Is the official CAMC page, or the unofficial CAMC Chat Group?

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #9

    Its 100% definitely the official facebook page for the club . 100% the official one . Sadly ! 

  • Pathfinder
    Pathfinder Forum Participant Posts: 4,446
    edited May 2020 #10

    Published 11 May 2020 at 15:00


    The recent statement by the UK Government on the gradual easing of the current lockdown restrictions is welcome news.

    However, the Government advice does not currently give the dates that campsites and touring sites are able to reopen and is conditional on further progress being made. We will continue to liaise with Visit Britain, Tourism Alliance and British Holiday and Home Parks Association to ensure best practice operating, cleansing and safety protocols are developed for when we are able to reopen.

    At this time we are planning on the assumption that we will be able to introduce a phased reopening of our sites network during July.

    We look forward to receiving the full briefing documents from the Government (and devolved Governments) which will enable us to make firmer plans for reopening the UK sites network.

    We will, of course, ensure members are made aware of any changes or alterations to this position and we would ask you to regularly check the website for updates. Please call our contact centre only if you have an urgent enquiry.

    Overseas travel
    Our overseas travel and worldwide holidays team are working closely with key partners internationally to understand likely timescales for the resumption of holiday travel. Many European and Worldwide Authorities have issued guidance on their own overseas and domestic travel arrangements and we are continuing to evaluate these.

    Storage sites
    At this time our storage facilities remain closed. We will contact all of our storage customers directly with updated information should the advice from Government change. We would ask that you wait until we have contacted you directly and therefore not contact our sites or our contact centre in advance of receiving your email.


    We will provide further information in the coming days. Please continue to visit the website for the latest updates. The Club wishes everyone happy touring in the future, until then, please stay alert, control the virus, save lives.


    All well and good putting a link to the above on the front page, how about an explanation as to not extending members membership 

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #11

    agree with the very last statement of this post and would also like an explanation as to why i was banned from the facebook page for pointing out a fact 🤷‍♀️

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,031
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    edited May 2020 #12

    I think that you will be very lucky if you do get a response, Giza. However I'll report your post which may prompt a reply for you.

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #13

    Thank you nelliethehooker 😊 

    i know the reason i was banned is because they didn't like my pointing out the issue to raise awareness and voice concerns to those perhaps not realising. Why else would you ban someone completely . 🤷‍♀️ First and only time i have ever commented on a post they have written . 
    I do have grave concerns over whats happened here . But i will speak as much as i can to help others . Always have done ...and always will . 🤷‍♀️

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited May 2020 #14

    ...or a knock on the door by a couple of heavies at three in the morning?

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #15

    I know 😬

    sounds silly but i am worried about getting kicked out of the club for raising this issue .

    But its unfair and under handed . So i have to speak up what ever consequence there is . 😞

    They have silenced me though so 🤷‍♀️

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,118
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    edited May 2020 #16

    Perhaps worth pointing out that the Club's official Facebook page is not a discussion area but can be used to ask questions. Posts are administered by the  Club's Media Department and they decide what posts they show. On the subject under discussion I think it is now quite clear that for a short initial period the site vouchers were sold without an expiry date. Any new purchases with have an expiry date of December 2021 which is made perfectly clear in the T&C's. Individual members must make their own decisions whether what is currently on offer is a fair deal for them. 



  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #17

    Trouble is people do discuss things on Facebook and the way i worded my posts was perfectly respectable and in a form that was none offensive 🤷‍♀️ . 

    A gentleman had purchased some vouchers previously and was purchasing some more ....I merely stated for him to use his dated vouchers first in that case to make sure they were used within the time limit . His non dated ones didnt matter . A discussion then followed where many were unaware there was a date on them ! 

    You know it was policed and moderated unfairly and an honest open response would have been more effective than shutting us up who are only looking out for others.

    People do need to be aware and read the small print of what they are purchasing , but many sadly dont .

    The club must be afraid of something if they are shutting me up that quickly and efficiently. It lacks authenticity and congruence and breeds suspicion .

    At the end of the day we do not know for certain when sites will re open .....we do not know if they can be used to full capacity or social distancing will mean its every other pitch  and if lots of people are going to try and cram in holidays in a smaller space of time , therefore we can not be fully certain if these people spending lots of their hard earned cash will in fact get to spend their vouchers in time . Its not 100% certain ....if the club cant tolerate someone just giving a gentle reminder to others that there is a date on them , then the club must have something to hide .

    sorry but its silenced me and it smacks of dishonest unprofessionalism in my opinion 🤷‍♀️

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2020 #18

    There's been quite a long discussion on the subject of vouchers in another section of CT. I think it's known that CAMC FB pages are there to present the club in a positive light so it has always been edited by those running it. The discussion on CT about the vouchers is HERE.

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #19

    just to shows to me that the ‘club’ is simply a business out to make money and not the ‘belonging, inclusive partnership it would have us believe it is .

    You’re not really part of it and you dont really matter ...but you ££££s do !  

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #20

    To be honest my post here wasn’t about vouchers really was about the ethics of being kicked off a facebook page for the smallest of ‘sins ‘ . 
    Honesty and openness is positive  and that would have been presenting the club in a positive light . 
    Sneaking someone off is more about the shadows surely 😞

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,391
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    edited May 2020 #21

    Welcome to the real world of CAMC, Giza.

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #22

    I know .....shocked and disappointed....i am 50 ...i should know better . 😩 . 
     I know now 😞

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2020 #23

    There are a lot of things in life that can upset, the best thing you can do is walk away from it as you are just stressing yourself in a time of stress generally🤷🏻‍♂️. Just put it behind you & walk. There is no one or any agency you can call on for help as the C&MC have broken no laws. What will happen is-if you continue you will be banned from the forum. That will stress you even more. Find some peace in the info you have given freely & let others make an informed decision. I wish you well.

  • gizacuppatea
    gizacuppatea Forum Participant Posts: 131
    edited May 2020 #24

    So what i do for a job is help people who have gotten into financial problems and debts for various reasons . I am also an advocate for a mental health charity , and i work in media .  So its linked in with my job to speak out to help people . I don’t particularly care if i get banned to be honest . What i care more about is helping people make informed choices . 
    Honestly if you had seen what I had written.....what others had written and what had happened , you would be really shocked and i really hope , disappointed in what the ‘club’ had done .

    I’m not going to walk away ....i might even take it further and write to the club .....not sure yet...lets see  

    Thank you for looking out for me but honestly i am glad i assisted a few people yesterday . Its who i am and hopefully who i will die being . I am glad i assisted . I hope if you have sent for vouchers etc you get to use them . You mention about letting others take an informed decision ....Informed is the key word there was me that informed at least 3 of them . really was. One elderly gentleman had bought some early on without dates .....was purchasing more and thanked me so much for telling him the others he was about to order had dates on ....he really thanked me for telling him . Not a thing that deserves banning someone for really is it 🤷‍♀️

    you take care . Stay safe . 


    Moderator Comment - The OP has made his point, it would seem the situation with the vouchers is now well known and this thread is going round in circles so I have closed.  Thank you for your contributions