Things have changed ☹️

After an 18 month break in membership while we were finishing a project in the Philippines which we started 2yrs ago and is now finished,we want to take up our much loved hobby again and decided to renew our membership with the CaMC this week .Just from spending some time on the Club Together forum I can’t believe how much it’s changed it a short time ☹️So many negative threads and posts about the Club.Im left wandering why all the gloom merchants are actually members anyway. When me and Jo become a part of something we like to try and give it 100% and support it as best we can ..I thought that was the general idea here but I’m obviously wrong and it has made me doubt our keenness to want to re-join.We will just see how it works out for us over the next few months.
dissapointed 🤔
Brian & Jo
An organisation is only deserving of 100% support if it performs accordingly. Sadly, CAMC has fallen short in many areas recently culminating in what many of us view as irresponsible behaviour and the supply of misinformation during this crisis, and now the voucher issue.
I'll give the club 100% support once I consider it is worthy of such but, at present, I find it lacking.
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Don’t worry BJ there are plenty of us around with a more positive outlook. When lockdown ends I, for one, will enjoy the heck out of our hobby.
It amazes me that, while hundreds of thousands around the world are affected by the Wuhan virus there are people here believing the priority should be an extension or refund of their club membership fee. Personally I think a little perspective is required
Stay safe
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Well TW I’m sorry but if your not happy why remain a member.If the Club is not for you just cancel your membership and move on.To me it’s that simple .🙄
Brian & Jo
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Of course it’s that simple. Things have changed since I last renewed and further renewal is in doubt. However, if I choose to remain a member it will be on the basis of wanting to utilise the sites which, after all, is what the club does best and is the reason I joined in the first place.
I don’t have to approve of the club's decisions or support it in order to use the sites. I’m sorry if that bothers you but the fact is that I pay to use club facilities and owe it nothing more than the fees I pay. I don’t really like the ways of many businesses but use them when it suits me. I don't like cutting my nose off to spite my face in an attempt to take a moral stance.
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Is taking a membership break giving it 100%? 🤔 Jury might be out on that one to be honest. I am taking a membership break as well, but have been fully up front why.
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BJ, I don’t see why other members opinions should influence your own decision to rejoin the club
Ironically TW has historically defended the club when others have questioned the cost of using club sites.
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I always find that there is a good balance of positivity and negativity in terms of discussions on the forum. I am quite happy for members to use it to vent their frustrations and usually someone will provide an alternative point of view: it makes for interesting reading (in my opinion anyway😀).
I certainly wouldn't let it affect my decision to retain my membership: I want the product on offer (CL sites in my case) so I pay the membership fee:simple😊
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Thanks, Nevers. As you well know, I’ve been accused of being a club 'lovey' many a time but even I find recent actions beyond the pale.
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TW your decisions don’t bother me in the least all I’m saying is that if your not happy with the way the Club chooses to do things just find a club that better suits you. For me ,well life’s too short to be complaining about such small things ,your a long time dead 😉
Brian & Josie
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"For me ,well life’s too short to be complaining about such small things..........."
Hi BJ, I am confused as to why you posted in the first place then?
I think that looking for 100% satisfaction n anything is at best wishful thinking and so most of us accept there will be aspects of all things that we may not agree with.
I see no reason why you cant express that without needing to ditch all the benefits for the sake of it.
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BJ, I too am a little puzzled by your reason for posting. You seem to be wondering what has changed and doubting your decision to rejoin. I have told you the way things are as I see them, that's all. There's no need to repeat your statement that I can leave, I've explained my reasoning on that.
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Hi Alan my point really in the original post was just to say ,i thought the club and our hobby was supposed to be a happy place not some where to keep on pulling the club to bit and moaning about it .Theres a lot more negatives than positives on here .Must just be me,im obviously in a minority,but thats fine .Take care and stay safe in these very challenging times .
Brian & Josie
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TW i will gracefully bow out on this one because its going nowhere.
take care
Brian & Jo
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Seems somewhat ....negative....coming on here after 18 months and starting a post accusing people of negativity, not giving 100% and suggesting they "just leave"....not sure that's really the attitude we want in this club!?
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As you say, these are challenging times. There will always be elements of negativity on this forum and rightly so as I see it as an avenue for folks to have a rant about the club (as long as the community guidelines are observed). I can't comment on any particular subjects as I'm an employee but I see no reason why you'd let a handful of posters on an open forum help you decide whether to re join or not. Club Together has around 20 or 30 regular posters compared to the 350000 of the membership. You decide
JK (Site Warden)
P.S. Can you turn your avatar the right way up, I'm getting neck ache!
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Hi CJ the 18month break had to be taken because we had a project in the Philippines which we had to conclude ,hence we had to sell our motorhome and get the job done ,but we missed the lifestyle terribly so here we are again .But in case you were thinking we had just hopped in ,prior to the 18month break we had been members for 14yrs.All i was saying was since our return there seems to be a lot of negativity about the club ,nothing more than that.
Brian & Jo