Same As !!

British words that sound the SAME AS.
Non Alphabetical I.E :-
Feet & Feat .
0 -
Two, too and to.
0 -
And fore
0 -
Accessary and accessory
Allowed and aloud
Already and all ready
Altogether and all together
Bail and bale
Bear and bare
Board and bored
Boarder and border
Born and borne
Brake and break
Britain and Briton
Broach and brooch
Cannon and canon
Canvas and canvass
Check and cheque
Climactic and climatic
Coarse and course
Complement and compliment
Council and counsel
Currant and current
Dependant and dependent
Disburse and disperse
Draft and draught
Drawers and draws
Dual and duel
Elicit and illicit
Eligible and illegible
Faint and feint
Foregoing and forgoing
Formally and formerly
0 -
Getting carried away there Whittakerr !! .
Steel ,,Steal
3 -
For many of these couplets to have the same sound requires the use of an accent from a particular area.
1 -
Aye, I, eye
0 -
Or & Oar
0 -
Him & Hymn.
0 -
Hear and here
Hoard and horde
Idle and idol
Ingenious and ingenuous
Into and in to
0 -
Boy & Bouy.
0 -
Shoo !! & Shoe .
0 -
Meter and Metre
Moral and Morale
New and knew
Oral and aural
Peace and piece
Personal and personnel
Plain and plane
Pray and prey
Principal and principle
0 -
Sail and sale
Row and row
0 -
Mettle and metal
0 -
Died & Dyed.
0 -
Shooed, should, shoed
Deid, deed
Canny Canney
and wee we wee
0 -
Bred & Bread.