Truma cp switches off when mains on

TonishaneDolan Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited March 2020 in Caravans #1


Heating system started with fault in electric the water heater would only run on gas. Changed top fuse nothing. Then changed bottom fuse .it showed fault code that no mains electric was not connect so connected and done factory reset. Now cp only shows clock and spanner. It also switch off when mains power switched on. And restarts if mains power switched off even if already in off position. 

Any ideas on how to solve


  • TonyBurton
    TonyBurton Forum Participant Posts: 269
    edited March 2020 #2

    Sorry, this could be teaching Granny to suck eggs.

    Do all your other mains electric devices work?.

    Remember your circuit breaker switches are all up for on and down for off. And  your 12 volt supply has to be on.

    I've had all sorts of panics at the beginning of the season when I'd failed to check everything was switched on. Including pressing the button at the plug on the supply pole!

  • TonishaneDolan
    TonishaneDolan Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited March 2020 #3

    All others work. Cp panel only minimum settings 2. Mains trips out cp. No fuse gone. Truma heater had no lights or sign of function on anything including gas.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #4
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  • TonishaneDolan
    TonishaneDolan Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited March 2020 #5

    There are no functions on the cp except the spanner to do reset, set 12/24 time lang etc. The other function is time. No other displays are available. No caravan temp, no water temp, no fan nothing. Cp has no triangle to display errors either. Mains plugged in microwave beeps to indicate power on, but as soon as u switch mains power button on it trips out CP. If you disconnect everything, connect battery and power off the Cp it switches off. However if you connect the mains and switch it on and then off the Cp switch on, but still with limited functions. Bailey pursuit 530/4 caravan. Boiler shows no signs of life, no less on, which indicates no power to boiler to me

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #6
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,111
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    edited March 2020 #7

    I have, although not identical, a similar situation with the CP Control and heating in my Bailey motorhome. I get some strange error codes up which are not amongst those listed. I do have power to the boiler as I can see the lights on the rear. Resetting makes no difference. I have not yet entirely disconnected the 12v by removing the battery lead. My suspicion is that it is something to do with the fan as it won't work, and the error codes don't immediately appear,  if you try and set it on the cooling mode. Goes in for service next week so hopefully dealer can sort it?


  • TonishaneDolan
    TonishaneDolan Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited March 2020 #8

    Tried alot things. 12 v on it's own. 12 v followed by mains. Tried mains followed  by 12v. Still same. All fuse switch off etc etc turning rotary on off holding it down.reset still same answer no controls on CP

  • Unknown
    edited March 2020 #9
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    edited March 2020 #10
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    edited March 2020 #11
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,111
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    edited March 2020 #12


    I have tried that to no avail. It's been perfectly reliable up until this problem. Because we were having the kitchen at home replaced we thought we would use the motorhome as a base for cooking and eating. Previously I had drained everything down and used the heating only successfully. It was when I was preparing the van for a period of home habitation that the problem started. Strangely it does seem to take more than a few seconds for the error to appear. You can hear the boiler click which indicates it has 12v but then nothing. I did fill the system with water and it wouldn't even heat the water. As you say probably a PCB problem, either a fuse or the board. Haven't tried it for a while so perhaps I should have another try before it goes in for service on Friday?


    PS Just an update. This morning I disconnected the 12v supply at the battery in the hope that it would clear any errors that might just be in the system.  Unfortunately not the case!

  • HappyCaravanners2010
    HappyCaravanners2010 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited May 2021 #13

    Had exactly the same issue on our new van. Dealership admits it shouldn’t have happened and until the code is cleared by doing a hard reset it’ll not work! They believe during PDI they may have shut the gas off before shutting the system down fully, hence the E517 error.

    I also found this really useful YouTube video explaining all....


  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited May 2021 #14

    BB, on another thread,you gave a comprehensive account of how the Truma Combi's HW system works.I had my first hot shower of this Covid restricted trip away,taken shortly after my Wife's use of the shower,this morning.👍

    Thanks, a much enjoyed change.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited May 2021 #15

    Clearly a well trained wife who doesn't pinch all the hot. wink

  • Chrisparris
    Chrisparris Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited May 2021 #16

    I have similar problems with my truma combi boiler.  It works perfectly on Gas.  But constantly throws up an error code E45H.  I did think it might be that we were on a site that only produced 10amps but have checked it at home and am getting the same fault.  Have tried to press reset button to no avail.  also cleaned all round unit as this was the so called fault of overheating by local dealership.

    I don't mind using the gas but I am of the opinion that if its on the vehicle it should work. It's a 2014 Swift Challenger Sport. 


    any help would be appreciated.