Has anybody got an old site directory?

The discussion of the new site directory having no OS references has been a topic of conversation since it came out.
We still use paper maps and would still like to use OS maps for checking where CL sites are and what footpaths are around them.
I have contacted the club to see if they have an old directory I could use. They haven't.
I have asked a couple of club sites we have stayed at and they hadn't any either.
So has anybody out there got an old one they would like to part with. I will pay for the postage and donate to your chosen charity or buy it off you?
I have been on a well known auction site where there was one for sale for £5 plus £3 postage.
Hope the club put the references back for next time 😁
Sorry I can't help with the directory, it has long since been recycled.
However, although it won't help if no device / internet connection, they are available on the web site for use when planning at home. On the site page, just click or touch on view on map (below the site name and address) and then scroll down below the map(s).
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3&, you can ask the club to supply you with a printed list of both club sites and CL's with the OS references which you can tie into the current Site Directory. Don't know if it will contain all the new CL's though
Hope this helps.
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I have a (well thumbed) 2013/14 version which has all the OS grid references but will be well out of date as far as CLs are concerned. It's just waiting to be recycled but it's yours if you want it. You can email me (address is in my profiie) but you'll have to be quick - we're off to South Africa on Thursday!
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I have a 2017/18 copy. If you want it, I'll furnish an email address.
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There’s often an old copy lying around in Site Information huts/rooms. I left one of our old ones at Ferry Meadows a few years ago.
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The cost of digital OS maps for the whole of the UK >is abour £40.< The cost of just one of the paper maps for one of the 200 plus areas must be about £7 by now.
I would be quite happy to supply you with Club POIs for these maps.
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So - No response. It is a bit annoying when folks ask something and then don't return. I'll chuck mine away then.
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Unfortunately it seems to be a regular occurrence on this forum, Jill.
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Apologies Jill, I didn't know how to get back onto ti the discussions to check any responses.
Just been onto my profile to put a review on and saw all the people that had responded, so apologies to the people who had taken time to answer. Everydays a school day.....
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I think your site review must have vanished 😆. There's nothing since 2017.
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I was going to put one on and then saw about this discussion.
I felt bad that people had responded and I hadn't managed to find how to get back on to answer.
Anyway like I said everyday is a school day and I know for next time 😁