Changing use

Having contributed on this forum since its inception my use has changed over the years. In its early days, for me, it was a place to chat with fellow members on a wide range of topics whilst learning about this new fangled thing called social media. Just wondered how many of the 'old guard' still visit and how they view the 'evolution'' of CT. Some, I'm told, have 'rebranded' themselves, a few several times, I wonder why?
I was in not too long after it was set up. It had a lot more contributors, threads were very busy at times. It required constant moderation, things could get seriously 😲 at times. Some of the Mods were specialist contributors, very helpful on specific topics. Best thing for us was the ability to share lots of great information about Sites to use, including not just Club Sites and CLs, and local knowledge about interesting and unusual places to visit, good eateries, tips on saving money in different places. Some of this continues to this day, via a variety of threads.
On line communications and chats led to meet ups, meet ups led to friendships, friendship led to some happy hours, lots of laughs, shared interests. It’s nice to share what’s going on up and down the country with like minded nice people.
I have still got my original user name, the avatar has changed though. Certain things remain as frustrating as ever in terms of using forum, but I have got used to them now, and after 2 years of the big upgrade being touted, and the issues it brought, it’s possibly best not tinkered with too much! It’s more Apple device friendly, the frustrating time out seems a whole lot better.
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Interesting thread but, as it's more about who uses CT rather than 'How to use Club Together', I'll move it into Caravan and Motorhome Chat Section.
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Ah, yes, the good old days - or were they? Sadly, they were tainted by people at each other's throats and mods were brought in to restore order. What we see today is very tame compared to days of yore. The forum has evolved and I guess it’s for the better.
I believe LB is still around on FB. Richie sadly passed on as did SurfyNige - remember him? Such a gentle character.
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Agree, although the next generation of users should have the ability to raise issues of interest and novel to them without us oldies protesting about the likes being already covered way back when. It's very infrequent these days for us 'oldies' to see anything approaching a novel topic but that doesn't mean to say the new ones are not relevant. Some sort of index of useful topics covered or a working search facility would be helpful, I think. After all, there is a wealth of knowledge out there in CT World, it's just a question of finding it at present.
Sad to hear of those mentioned. Hawaii always sounded like a paradise.
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I joined this forum in around May 2012 which I think was quite near the beginning. There are still a few of us original posters on here but as has been said a lot have disappeared. One thing I have noticed is that it isn’t as busy apart from the “what are you up to” thread” most of the other ones are quiet.
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I don’t contribute much, as some topics I either know nothing about, or are not interesting to me. But I look in daily.
Has there always been a sense of nit-picking and point scoring? I think that can make people hesitate to express their opinion in case they are ridiculed.
I think it’s as good as any other forum of its type.
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I would say there was less nit picking in the past, but when it got heated it really did get heated. It seems to survive on two active Mods nowadays, and if I am being honest it’s easy to gauge just how a particular subject will go, and how quickly it might deteriorate. It usually only takes a not particularly well thought out rant to kick off an argument, but then that’s true of all forums.
Your posts are often very different G, full of interest.
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I think it was the appalling behaviour of some in the early days that resulted in the T&Cs/Guidelines being developed to what we have today. Mainly, the banning of racist, political and religious topics I’m sure sprung from that time. Truly, what you see today is nothing compared to then.
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I think the original start up CT was quite fun and innocent, people were friendly and witty, it was all a bit of a leap into the unknown by CAMC. With hindsight it was quite a big undertaking and difficult to organise as it expanded and at one point became a bit of a challenge for the unwary. It's evolved, although sometimes repetitive because people will always need answers to queries about their holidays, vans and vehicles. I'm still glad we have the opportunity to meet old and new contributors on here.
Personally I enjoy the social, hobby and natural life areas the most plus some input to questions about holiday ideas.
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CT lately has got boring
, instead of members accepting that we all do things differently and respect those differences. The fun and banter has gone ,because we all have to “play nice “ ,
i post what I post and not bothered if it’s not liked
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I'm not sure of when this forum actually started, not even sure of when I joined up
. But I think (!!) I was on Red Star Duty
when this, version 2, arrived. Sitting here thinking , a dangerous practice I know
I wonder if Rowena could just give us a few basic dates for when this f-f-forum emerged from the primordial gloop ??
Perhaps some of the changes might be due to the use of mobile communications growing . Phones, Ipads and suchlike thingummies are taking over from Desk-Tops, Lap-tops etc.
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I can clearly recall posting from a cottage in deepest Dartmoor, in 2013. Probably joined up prior to this, although maybe only months prior. I think I have heard 2012 mentioned, but no idea what month.
Lots of folks migrated to the closed Facebook forum, and of course others went off to join other touring related forums. I think a good few of these are very quiet as well nowadays.
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Time always seems to go so quickly but I recall that a group of us were invited to Club HQ around November 2011 to test out the forum and I think it was launched in January/February 2012. Initially I think the Club's idea of what they hoped they were providing and what it initially turned out to be in reality were two different things. It took quite a time to overcome and it wasn't until it was realised that more moderation was required and the T&C's needed to be completely rewritten that it calmed down. I am sure the forum still has many faults but it does provide the opportunity for people to ask questions and get answers should they wish to. Eight years ago it was not so easy to understand what impact other types of Social Media would have and it is certainly the case that Facebook Groups seem to be in the ascendancy as much as a small number of people don't want to get involved. It seems there is a growing number of people who interact with the internet via their mobile phones and that is probably where a forum like Club Together is at a disadvantage. Having said that, eight years later Club Together is still here!
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I can't remember when I joined but it was fairly early on. I don't contribute anywhere near as often as I used to, but that's just the way it goes. The forum has,lost a lot of it's "characters" and humour, more's the pity. I'm very thankful for its existence however as I would not have made the friends that I now have, and for that I'm extremely grateful for it's inception. It is a shame that some of the sections are so infrequently used these days.
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I joined pretty soon after the start and can still remember the days of FanG and the likes - some very, shall we say, robust exchanges in the early days. I can also remember the days of "star chasing" - who'd be first to that purple star (or was gold the highest accolade?) with page after page of "likes" on latest activity. I think things settled down when the T&C became more widely known and understood.
For me the best thing about CT has been meeting up with fellow members - must be 30 or so, I guess, the first ones being Pauline and Tigerfish (remember them?). It was also very informative as we moved from using mainly club sites to mainly CLs - so many helpful tips and recommendations .
Now that we've taken a break from vanning I'm still looking in and happy to give advice about practical matters and recommendations for sites (and, of course, nearby pubs!
) but posting less away from General Chat. Always interesting to see the way the forum develops!
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+1👍🏻, the good old days they weren’t, nit picking?, no. Open abuse?, yes. Nasty people ruled. You can’t have everything, a good thread can be mired any time. It may be quieter now but it’s accepted that everyone is entitled to a say👍🏻
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RF, if you'd witnessed the abusive posts of the past, you'd not have posted that.
There’s a world of difference between debate/discussion and the abusive arguments we had way back then. The only way to stop the abuse was to ban contentious topics and I’d not want to see a return to those early days.
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It must be six or approaching seven years since I joined. As above I think the T&C were needed.
I still think it's one of the best caravan or MH forums. While not as focused as some manufacture's forum it has for me a broader appeal and certainly the best knowledge base and help around and it's the sort of help you get on a club site.
Still enjoy posting.
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Even though I had plenty of years caravanning under my belt before joining CT I have found plenty of advice to add onto my own from those members willing to give it and my thanks go to them. I hope that I have given some back, and that to me is the essence of the forum.
We have also been fortunate to meet with a few members and their friendship will remain regardless of what happens to CT.
I enjoy the general chat and wildlife sections but it does seem that we are desperately short of new members who are willing to engage after the Introduction section. Very few of them go on to support the forum yet I'm sure that there are many who look in and don't participate. Maybe it would be nice if a few of them could let us know of any misgivings they have, hopefully without any current regular denigrating their comments. Just like the club, we need new blood.
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With regard to your last para, WN, I don’t think that’s a phenomenon peculiar to CT as it happens on other forums. It’s strange but fairly common.
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" The first ones being Pauline and Tigerfish. Remember them ?? "
I certainly remember Pauline, the Nottingham Forest Footy Fan and I still post comments wrt Forest as well as Burton Albion, where she now lives I believe.
Mr & Mrs Tigerfish I met some years back at the Clubs N E C stand when we were all looking for a comfy seat for our separate lunches !
Most of the others I've met were at the Inaugural C.T. Gathering again at the N E C - Rowena, DSB ( before Cheese ! ) as well as, I think " Bugs " with his camera working over-time, but he does not seem to Moderate on here any more.
I still see the first post on " What are you up to now " -- V9 Volvoman who did some Walking Football for exercise and some good humorous " Reporting " posts.
But don't forget "Wotsername" -- sigh
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Fire Dragon, Valda and Dianne Thompson for lots of good advice. So many more who for one reason or another don’t post anymore
I've seen posts from all three recently. Unless you have a thick skin, there is more to life that being shot at on forums. I think heavy handed censorship doesn't help.