Windows 7- end of an era

Just a reminder for those still using Windows 7, lamentably this is no longer supported by Microsoft as of 14th January and you are advised to upgrade to W10 to maintain security.
My desktop was 14 years old and while most of the time it ran swiftly enough, it was struggling with some of the more up to date Apps designed around W10. Even though I believe the old desktop could be upgraded I decided at 14 years old it wasn't worth it and my choice was to replace it with one running W10 rather than upgrade.
To migrate data and Apps from one to the other and while I get to grips with a different way of doing things, I am currently running both in parallel on my home network and will probably do for some time.
I've still got an old laptop running Windows XP. I only fire it up once in a blue moon though.
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Blimey, I have only just migrated from W7 to W8.
Have M/S ensured that W10 is hack proof and will it read my W3 documents?
Seems as though M/S want a £300 bung off us every three years or so just so we can keep in the loop.
Personally I would shoot the guy that invented the computer and go back to paper and pencil.
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I fell out of love with Microsoft a few years ago. Bought a new high-end PC running Windows 10 and along comes latest software update - completely cream-crackered it to the extent that after 3 trips to Curry's Tech Team, even they gave up trying to sort it.
One of the problems with W10 is that you can't turn off Automatic Updates - so even restoring it to before the upgrade meant that as soon as it was switched on again, it did the upgrade again!
Got a full refund after 6 months ownership and bought a Mac - haven't looked back and would never return to Windows now.
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I went the other way R, from Mac to Windows, mainly because of the lack of software around for the Mac and its costs. Even if it is now a better OS, I just cannot be bothered to learn a new system, it s time consuming enough carrying out an upgrade on a system you are familiar with. W3 migrates fine to W365 and so far I have only found one of my Apps that won't migrate and I have just about finished the task and haven't lost any data.