Google maps timeline

Hello All.
Not being on Facebook or any of the other social media platforms I was wandering if anyone here could help clear up a little mystery.
I have timeline turned on on my phone. Not for any special reason, just never bothered to turn off the defult. As many people will know, with timeline you may visit a pub or somewhere and you get a message when you get home asking how your visit went blah blah.
Today I had an email from Google inviting me to look back over my timeline, somthing that I now realise that I can do whenever I like. So, I was reminded of some of the places We have been over the past two years and nearly all were recognisable to me. However there were a few that were not. With most of these I think that they can be accounted for by the fact that they were on a route that I may have driven or walked. One location however is a complete mystery. It is on a housing estate in a close about half a mile from my house. Now any if the routes that I drive or walk would not take me anywhere near this place. The timeline says I have visited 3 times, the last being in October this year.
Mrs lunar has been thoroughly interviewed and it has been established that she hasn't been conducting a clandestine assignation while simultaneously borrowing my phone. So it remains a total mystery as to how I am recorded as being in the vicinity of this particular house.
well sometimes my OH phones seems to think it is at other places. She (and I) have it set to automatically update the weather app thorugh the current location. A few times, and always always from home, it thinks we are hundreds of miles away. When in Cromer last summer it though it was in Scotland.
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In much the same way, if you check your location via your IP address it will sometimes be spot on and at others will give a location several miles away.
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Never trust a smart phone. We have a recurring problem called “@rse dialling”, tends to occur when I bend over with phone in back pocket of jeans🤷♀️ Then there’s the mystery call that happens at 4am in morning when I look to change my overnight talking book without my specs on!🤷♀️ Only this morning, OH’s iPhone jumped off bed and dialled my sister, then rang off before she could answer, resulting in huge stress, (had I been taken ill, had he lost the dog, was he ok) 😂
And of course, that perennial favourite, just as you have lost OH somewhere out shopping “calls from this phone are currently barred”. But only until you turn it off, then turn it on again.....thank you Virgin!