Motorhome adding security
Hi All, we have a new Roller team T590; prior to collection had tracker and external door locks fitted, which we are happy with, but OH wants more, question to you all is what to add, wheel clamp or steering lock. Van is kept on drive, be very interested in advice please
I haven't much faith in trackers but I have fitted additional locks and a Category 1 immobiliser and alarm. I also make it difficult to get off my drive by blocking exit with my car. I wouldn't bother with wheel clamps, even the best can be cut off very easily these days. I haven't got a steering lock but good ones are apparently difficult to remove.
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I suppose it depends on what and where you think the main risks are? We are fortunate that we keep ours in our back garden, which whilst not risk free someone would have to work harder to get it out. Hopefully the Strikeback alarm, fitted by VanBitz would alert us or neighbours. We also have a Milenco door D lock on the habitation door. The answer is, I suppose is to fit things that will either slow them down a lot or make them go elsewhere. One option if its on a drive might be those barriers that fold down which might act as a deterrent.
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If you’re concerned about it being stolen off your drive, then wheel and steering clamps will be a significant deterrent. They might be easy to cut off, but anybody doing so will make a lot of noise in the process.
If you’re concerned about break in, I’d spend money on fitting a good safe bolted to the chassis rather than fancy locks and the like. The weak spot on motorhomes and caravans is the windows and it’s the most targeted area for thieves. Anybody with a screwdriver could be inside in a jiffy. Some folks fit a bar (or two) across the inner window frame which would restrict entry - not a good look though!
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Our Autocruise did not have a driver airbag on the steering wheel, but i got a detachable steering wheel that was released with a key that was then hidden in the M/v when out touring or taken home when in storage, great anti theft device, it also made it much easier to swivel driver seat, we still have it at home as removed it when trading in van
Ps fits 2004 era boxer
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Have to agree with David and a strike back alarm from vanbitz, well worth the extra cost compared with other alarm systems. We have one fitted to our Motorhome which lights up intermittently when alarmed and has a perimeter alarm stopping people from entering close to the van and the alarm could be heard for at least a mile away, tried it out at Ferry Meadows one evening about 9pm when we first brought it and the whole site turned out to watch me trying to turn it off without reading the instruction first as you do.
The decibels are quite something when set off.
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In addition to the usual I fitted a high security U lock to the rotating steel bases of the cab seat. I can now lock the drivers seat facing the habitation and with its back tight up against the steering wheel. It's well hidden and inaccessible without destroying the seat to anyone with an angle grinder. I even have difficulty removing it even with the key. Not infallible but an extra few minutes would be needed to remove it. It's just one of several little extras I've added to foil that would be thief as best possible!
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Agree HD but if they want it badly enough they are prepared to ignore all but the most sophisticated deterrents. One thing that is definitely worth doing is get the best anti theft deterrents you can. In my view a good Category 1 immobiliser has to be first choice.
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I suppose, if you really want to protect your pride & joy you could always research a 1955 Daimler Ferret ex RAF armoured scout car.
They were fitted with a switch in the cab which Electrified the Whole Body !! You would know when an attempt on the T590 was being made / foiled from the screams I suppose !!
Information gleaned from a report on Amberley Museums "Commercial vehicle & Communications Day" published in Vintage Spirit mag this very month
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An automaton sleeping rattlesnake on the dash?