Help with electrical problems

Dudley Walker
Dudley Walker Forum Participant Posts: 25

Hello, Can somebody help please .We are not new to caravanning but we had a van with twin electric sockets .no problems far as I was aware.

Have now purchased a Bailey Pursuit with one 13 pin plug so rather than having the car electrics changed we bought an adaptor , so far so good .I want to charge the van battery up while travelling and I am not sure if that is happening. If I just plug the black plug in all the road lights work as they should . If I switch on the control panel in the van it shows what state of charge the battery is in.As soon as  I plug in the grey plug the needle on the control panel goes down to zero. Is this normal or am I missing something here? If this is not as it should be is the fault on the van or the car..If somebody could advise I would be grateful. I am a retired plumber who hates electrics let alone auto electrics.

Thanks very much     


  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited August 2019 #2

    Sounds healthy, the habitation relay in the van is closing the van's circuits down when coupled up. Designed that way to isolate nearly everything, but leaves the fridges electronics powered.

    This does not affect the car's ability to recharge the van's battery, however, this feature is very rarely that effective  on most caravans. There are some high spec caravan electronic units [eg Schaudt ] that significantly aid this recharging, but I doubt Bailey spec these.

  • Dudley Walker
    Dudley Walker Forum Participant Posts: 25
    edited August 2019 #3

    Thanks for your reply. Makes sense now you have explained things. Pity the manufacturers don't think to put simple explanations like that in their handbooks but that's too simple. I think you are correct lets hope so. 

  • Susie W
    Susie W Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited August 2019 #4

    There is one way you could possibly check if the car is charging the battery is to use a volt meter on the van battery whilst connected to the car. The relay that should be fitted will charge the car battery first then switch over to charge the van battery. This also chills the fridge.

    On another note does your Pursuit have a solar panel? This will also charge the battery whilst you are on the move.

    I am sure all is well, If it worked on your old van it will work on the new.

    Happy caravanning..

  • Barti
    Barti Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2022 #5

    Hi anybody out there know a good tourer electrician thank you J

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2022 #6

    Firstly it would really help if you gave CT members some idea of the area you live or are staying in. Not much use if I indicated in Northumberland and you are in the Gloucester area, for example.

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited April 2022 #7

    Have you tried local caravan sales sites?

    Particularly one that sells and  services the same make as yours.