Number of Views / Posts

In this section is the discussion "What are you all up to" It shows 27,160 posts and only 14 views. These statistics seem meaningless to me.
Also the number of discusions and posts is incredibly low considering the C&MC is reported to have nearly 600,000 members,
Remember the old maxim. Lies, damn lies and statistics.
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A similar situation occurs with its of subjects/posts. One can find ones where there are a low number of views but many more responses. I just ignore the numbers now.
Edit...there are 4 examples of this in the General Chat section alone.
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Dunno. I never look at the figures.
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It's just another of this site's peculiarities......things are always what they seem.
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No, you’re not thick👍🏻. It’s only important to numbers geeks & pedants who only feel alive when all the T’s are crossed & I’s are dotted. Most of us just don’t give a flying fig😊
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I'll be able to tell you more accurately on Tuesday afternoon, Freddy when I get home from my medication review at the surgery
. Whilst I expect to be told what meds I should be on for the next few months, certainly it will be pointed out that a "Rather Thinner Brian" would be beneficial