Possible remedy for window delamination
Hello all, Whilst idly searching through various amazon products I came across a rubbery looking plastic edging strip intended for edging car doors etc. It looks like a u section plastic extrusion incorporating metal barbs to hold on to whatever it is wrapped onto .It comes in various sizes and would seem to me to be an effective way to reinforce the edges of polycarbonate double glazed window units. I have had bitter experience of windows delaminating and the less than helpful responses of insurers and manufacturers. I wonder if any other members have tried products similar to this . Mick Rumble
I don't like the sound of the "metal barbs" Could they cause serious damage to the window? It wouldn't create a water tight seal.
I sealed my delaminated window with Captain Tollies Creeping Crack Cure, the two sheets clamped together with a couple of mole grips with pieces of cardboard in the jaws so they didn't scratch the surfaces. I then used araldite over the repaired area. Lastly I gently eased out a little, one of the two plugs in the window. In hot sunny weather there is a massive build up of air pressure inside the wind which forces the sheets apart and causes the delamination. Because one of the plugs is held very gently in the hole, air is allowed to escape and there is no build up of pressure inside the window.