Toilet fluid

Blue Diamond toilet fluid
just bought mine from Home Bargains
£4.99 each for 2ltr pack
Same price as Aldi from today, I believe.
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£5.99 on Aldi website
I'm a Yorkshireman £2 saved at Homebargain
That's a pint of Sam Smith's finest for me
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Why can't the club negotiate with main caravan/camping dealerships to give members a discount on production of their membership card.
This type of method would be on a more permanent basis rather than getting lucky at certain shops when they buy in bulk on a short term basis
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I read somewhere that three locations were being used to test machines for emptying and cleaning casettes for, I think, £1 a shot. Anyone able to report on them?
Sounds a much better idea than doing it oneself, even at £n.99 a container.
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Sounds like a crap deal to me.
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For many people the only alternative is just going through the motions.
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I've been checking the 2 shops in our area and neither have had any toilet fluid. so it looks as if I'll have to pop into Aldi tomorrow, or leave it for the time being. Still got enough for our next long trip.
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Where there's muck....... there's brass. 👍
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I don't like trying to pour out 100ml from the big containers, and in the back of my mind is what a mess there would be if it burst while travelling. So I'm looking for 100 ml plastic bottles that I can use to carry a single shot. Must be something out there that comes in a suitable container that I can reuse rather than pay £1 each on eBay.
Anyone got any suggestions?
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My wife got some reusable 100ml bottles either in Home Bargains or wilko. They are actually produced for taking liquids in cabin baggage.
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I've kept the small sample bottles of fluid that are given away when one gets a new van ( don't know if those buying a second hand van get these samples) and I fill them at home from the 2 ltr containers and carry them instead.
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I have been using the capsules, but apparently there is a "smell" in the night that keeps another person awake. The shots of fluid will be used for a while and then silently revert to capsules. All in the interests of research, of course!
The presence of capsules in the cupboard will be explained away as them being a far more effective tank cleaner when towing.
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Ha! The brewers profits.
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Bio capsules are the way to go and the ones from Lidle work fine. We have been using them for several years now. We also use fabric softener in the flush water tank. We get no smells from our setup now and the stink of the "Blue" has finally gone but it took quite a long time. The bathroom now smells like the airing cupboard
For the benefit of those worried about septic tanks and bio sachets: When we lived in Plymouth we had a septic tank, not mains sewerage. We used bio washing sachets in our washing machine all of the time with no adverse effects at all. I wouldn't worry about it.
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For the Pernickety { of which I am one
} you can get tubs of capsules, very like the Lidl / Aldi bio pods, but sold in caravan / motorhome shops. These contain the blue or green fluids but in "Non-messy" capsules so no more stained fingers or footwear
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Attn DSB, Brue et al
A Quote from Carradale A.S. { in Kintyre, Scotland } Leaflet { from a couple of years ago}
Toilet Chemical Fluids
For the Septic Tank to work efficiently and not pollute the Soakaway ONLY biological fluids such as Fenwicks Top and Tail or Biomagic can be used. Fluids used must NOT contain Formaldehyde. If you have any doubt about your fluids DO NOT USE THEM until you have spoken to the Proprietor.
We have Fenwicks Top and Tail available 2.5 litres for £10.99
That's their view anyway
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We have been using the bio pods with no problems. Not come across any site restrictions, but will keep a look out.
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The Lidl & Aldi pods "are" bio, so no problem. Assuming that is that you buy the correct ones. The green box in Lidl's.
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It’s the Lidl ones for me - Formil in the GREEN box as Cyber says. We have used them for several years and they work extremely well. Apart from somehow keeping whiffs at bay, they also break down the solids very efficiently making the emptying of the cassette the easiest I have known. Gone are the days I do the ‘shake and vac’ dance in trying to conquer that Clingon! 🤣🤣. The flush tank is perfumed with their fabric conditioner and all is peace!