"There's nothing on 'the box' "

I enjoy Pointless as I see it as a bit of a challenge. Initially it took me a while to work out what it was all about!!! I wouldn't worry about missing a few episodes as they are regularly repeated - I sometimes wonder how I get the pointless answers
I will admit to being something of a political junky and Newsnight is a must. Quite like Peston but not everyone will appreciate his rather erratic presentation.
You should have stuck with Endeavour, its building quite nicely. Box the new Chief Inspector is obviously a bent cop. Thursday is being drawn into his murky world which seems very much against his character. Strange and Bright know something is up with Box but Morse, up until now is a bit in the dark. Final episode of this series so it could be interesting as there may be more information on the murder of George Fancy.
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We record anything we want to watch - very, very, rarely watching "live".
Currently we've episodes of Endeavour and Grantchester to watch. But I think the best at the moment is Shetland. Being early risers we go to bed about 9.30, so anything late at night has to be recorded.
We also watch Pointless - but as it's on during milking we record and watch over supper. I've learnt a lot about Chemical Elements and Countries. I'm not so hot on films, but I was pleased with myself when I got a Pointless answer for Peter Capaldi films.
I record a lot of old films - some from the Talking Pictures channel, which we will get to watch one day!
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I would like to transfer stuff from my PVR (Humax) onto my laptop(windows) for viewing whilst away.
Have not been able to find any App that would do that.
Has any one any clues as to how to go about it, other than taking the PVR along for the ride?
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Only programme watched as it is broadcast in our house is MOTD. And that’s not always. We sift through iplayer stuff for the odd gem on BBC4, my OH likes Talking Pictures for old movies, mainly to spot cars! We only watch Channel4 news and the odd Uni Challenge and Only Connect. I can’t stand most of the banal drivel on main channels nowadays, loathe soaps and reality TV.
I buy stuff on iTunes, box sets, classic films, memorable TV and prefer to watch on iPad with headphones when away. We don’t take a TV away with us, and like to do hobbies, or read, or sometimes have a good old natter in evenings. I used to take Mac Book and a few DVDs, but find it easier nowadays with iPad. I like to trawl through websites that show some of the really good classic TV serials from the past. I found Clarissa starring a very young, but seriously good Sean Bean and Sean Pertwee last week. All for free as well. I loved the Inspector Montalbano crime dramas as well, lovely locations, great characters.
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That's sad, very, very sad.
No TV in the van. Listen to music taped onto MP3 or Iphone. Hardly watch any TV programmes at home. We tape radio programmes which are on during the day then listen to them at night but sometimes we just read. MrsWN likes to draw and paint so we do watch anything Arty and I gave up on Sport many years ago. I tend to find Wildlife progs a bit condescending. Will watch some main news but not too bothered about drama or films. In all honesty we wouldn't miss a Tele.
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There are about four programmes that we watch or follow but these are set up to record each week and we never watch them in real time.
Actually we use ITV 3 and 4 far more than the main channels as they seem to have stuff from the past that we enjoyed.
It's amazing but I remember when there were only three channels available but we probably watched more then than now with 200+.
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Don’t ask me. . .I never watch TV 🤣🤣
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I was not a football fan but watched some of world cup with Dad and Mum. Really liked seeing Eusabio in action. We were on holiday touring Scotland in B&Bs for a few weeks with Mums sister and her hubby on the lead up to final and the final.
Apart from that I watched a couple of local matches but really enjoyed seeing a school boy international at Wembley a few years later.
I might have taken an interest later as my best friend lived in Luton and me in Chester. When He was about 18 he was signed up as a professional footballer. He had trained vut, sadly, never played. He went out one Christmas Eve in his sports car to get fish and chips or similar for his sister, hit standing water, lost control and met up with a light column and a tree. Dead in the wreckage.
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‘Dead in the wreckage’
We have gone from ‘on the box’ to ‘in the box’.
In reply to the OP then it may be a lot, or not a lot! We watch far less TV now than in the past.
We don’t watch any soaps and like dramas but often we find that the, in our opinion, overhyped ones are not worth the trouble.
We like sport and one of our favourites is A Question of Sport-it informs educates and entertains-but most sport will get airtime but, as with most tv there is not much ‘must see’ stuff nowadays and there is always catch up.
My wife is very keen on food related programs, OK James Martin, and she is watching Masterchef on catch up as I write this so it suits us both!
One thing I find as I get older is that there is little that is new and my Grandson who stays with every fortnight will shake his head and ask how I know what is going to happen as I say it out loud whilst watching.
Endeavour is about the only regular watch for all of us and the more memorable programs recently have been Missing and Unforgotten. We are looking forward to the new series of Line of Duty and our joint favourite memorable drama was River.
Light stuff includes Would ILie To You, HIGNFY, Mock the Week and Graham Norton.
Interestingly we have never stayed long term overseas but our MH friends do and I was not encouraged to do so when they said they needed to consider how they would fill the time after it went dark at 4.15 pm so were taking loads of dvds and memory sticks with pre recorded programs.
I asked what was wrong with the bar but they said you can’t go in the bar every day for three months.........and I asked ‘why not’!
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There are several quiz/ game type shows I like to watch including Pointless, Tenable, Tipping Point and especially The Chase. I don't watch them all regularly, but have been known to record some of them when I think about it.
Carol is more into the 'dectective / drama type shows.
There's always something to watch when I look in, and there's always something we've recorded.
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Reading through posts it looks as though there is something for everyone but probably not quite enough or new enough.
Th only time we started to use our supply of DVDs happened when we stayed on a site in Scotland with no reception of any kind. I have to say to be without my fall back choice of the radio it was hard going. The art of conversation and card games had to be employed!
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I think it's on, does that Jimmy Hill chap still do it?