Pitch number marker parking guide

RollerMan181 Forum Participant Posts: 6
edited February 2019 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

I don’t wish to fire up yet another debate about the pitch marker parking guide. But having pitched up on the Chatsworth site recently, I specifically requested to pitch my unit (Motorhome) a little way along from the marker, to give my neighbour and us a little more privacy, to which the response was “that’s okay, fine”.  I’m then told a couple of days later I shouldn’t be pitched in the position I was. I have to question, is the parking ‘guide’ actually a “guide’,   or a “rule” . It indicates that it’s a parking “guide” in the club sites leaflets, so I’m assuming that allows for a degree of common sense to be applied by the wardens. The site leaflet parking guide sets out an example for a car, caravan and awning set up. Mostly when I’m away, I’m just in the MH, occasionally with an awning, and only very occasionally with car as well. Surely there has to be some flexibility especially if I’m just in the MH? In this instance, I didn’t set up my tunnel awning (although it was an awning pitch). If I had set it up and pitched up on the marker, the guide ropes would have encroached onto the next pitch, with very little distance between my awning and next door’s awning. Whilst on the other side of my unit, there would have been an expanse of “unused pitch”. I do appreciate that the “guide” attempts to  maintain a distance between the main unit itself and neighbouring units, but the close proximity of awnings are just as much a fire risk, if not more of a fire risk. I will point out that mine is a continental van with the door on the “wrong” side and whilst I can usually pitch the van to avoid a “door facing door” situation, it’s not always possible. Surely if members don’t have a separate vehicle, and in this instance an awning, some degree of flexibility can be applied, within reason. What I’m advocating is some degree of flexibility from the marker, if you don’t have an accompanying vehicle. What are people’s thoughts?

Moderator Edit:

Unfortunately, by opening the thread you are likely to 'fire up another debate' as there's no other way round it.  It's all been said so many times previously in existing threads so I'm closing the thread but, if you feel so strongly about how the staff at individual sites operate the parking to the peg rule, then please contact HQ.  

On arrival, the site staff always will point out how you should park and the handbook states that, if you wish to park any other way then please ask, but each member of a site's staff should be giving out the same information.  Providing that the required safety gap is maintained there should be no issue.

Many Thanks.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,399
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    edited February 2019 #2

    There’s little give in terms of Club Sites and pitch markers, no matter what set up you have. I suppose the issue is, deviate for one and then others will want something in particular as well. Pitch spacing is tight on Club Sites, particularly those with HS pitches. You just have to go with it, or do what we do and only use Club Sites at less busy times and go elsewhere. But that’s what members sign up to, like it or lump it I’m afraid. You can park nose in or out, that’s about it really. We used to move pitch markers on grass pitches sometimes, but not any more.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,437
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    edited February 2019 #3

    The only thing that is a rule is the spacing for fire safety requirements. That is, 6m between facing walls of cvans/MHs and 3m between cars/awnings.

    Wardens can use their discretion providing the above distances are adhered to.

    There is no problem with door facing door. We can reverse in or go nose in.

    Did you not discuss the apparent change of mind with the wardens?

  • RollerMan181
    RollerMan181 Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited February 2019 #4

    Hi Tinwheeler, you’ve hit the nail on the head there, in this instance, I did adhere to those distance requirements pitching how I did. However, had I erected my awning, I would have been struggling if I had aligned my unit using the guide marker. When the warden quotes ”rules are rules” there’s not a lot you can do. That’s why I questioned is it a “rule “or a “guide”’. I did query that I was initially told it was okay, which they acknowledged. I don’t know why they felt the need to approach me again. During the conversation, the gentleman didn’t seem to be aware of the rule concerning the distance between awnings, he was only concerned with the face to face distance between the main unit. But the lady with him advised him regarding  the awning to awning rule and that sparked a debate/argument between them!

  • RollerMan181
    RollerMan181 Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited February 2019 #5

    Hi “takethedogalong” I agree with all your sentiments there, that is why I have to question the “guide” and how it is being implemented. Pitch spacing is tight, so why can’t I pitch away from the peg guide, ie more central,  if I don’t have an accompanying vehicle, so long as I pitch within the fire regulation rules? This will give my neighbours more room/distance between me and them. Common sense.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,399
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    edited February 2019 #6

    Oh I agree. But the Club has its rules for the good of all, and we accept that Sites are far busier, and with much larger outfits than years ago. True bliss is to be found more on CLs. The only irritant there is the occasional idiot who cannot function without pitching right next to the lone van on site...........carrying two cables usually sorts this. That and tying the dogs up on a very long rope......👍

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #7

    Sites have to comply with fire regulations to gain an operating licence, this means there are rules about the safe spacing of units. You can find details in the CAMC rules on fire safety and pitch spacing.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,399
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    edited February 2019 #8

    We had a deviation from the rule next to us at YRP last Summer. Warden insisted next door park his MH diagonally across pitch as he thought it was extending too far into roadway. It wasn’t causing us or others in our little pitching area any problems but a lot of tooing and froeing went on until Warden was happy. Have to say the member involved was very laid back, my teeth would have been gritted.