Mayday and Caravan Storage



  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited December 2019 #213

    I've not read 255 posts in this thread, whether Deleted User or not, but my experience of using Green Flag through my Mayday subscription is quite different from the original post.

    Fortunately, I have never had to have a caravan recovered, but when I was riding one a lot I had to have my motor cycle recovered a number of times. When this has occured "after hours", when the motorcycle business I use has been closed, they have dropped me and the machine at my house and then come back the next day during opening hours to take the machine for repair.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,934
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    edited December 2019 #214

    Neither have I, Navigateur, but I have come close.  I called Mayday earlier on this year when a tyre went on the caravan - they changed the wheel for me.  I was recovered to a site some years ago when something happened to the car.  They took us to the site and delivered the car to a local garage for repair.  While we were without the car, my wife slipped and badly hurt her ankle.  As I hadn't got transport we had to call an ambulance..... 

    Amusing story alert......

    While we are at this site, I took the washing up over to the toilet block and got talking to a gentleman.  We were passing the time of day.  I asked him if they were having a good time and he asked me back.  I said, 'Yes, thank you.  Although we did arrive on the back of a tow truck as the car broke down just outside Haverfordwest.'  Before I had chance to explain about the ankle, he piped up, 'Oh dear!  What a pity'.  Then he said, 'Nevermind, there was some poor family who had to call an ambulance.'  I said, 'Yes! That as us as well'.  I can still se the expression on his face.....  😀😀😀😀

    I am not the luckiest person  when it comes to vehicle breakdowns, so I am really pleased that the Club have negotiated this double recovery to home,  officially.  Goodwill is all very well, but we needed this point clarifying.  I couldn't be more pleased - especially as I brought it up at the Caravan and Motorhome Club Council Meeting last April, which hopefully may have helped a little to get the ball rolling.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited December 2019 #215

    Nothing to do with double recovery, but I also have a warming tale of a Mayday/Green Flag recovery. It was one of the motorcycle recoveries, late at night in December as I was heading home for a much delayed evening meal, and with sleet and hail abounding so I was not the warmest or happiest of travellers sitting under a bridge on the motorway.

    It was a busy night for Green Flag and their control people phoned back a couple of times to let me know what was happening while I got colder and more miserable. When the truck arrived the chap leapt out and told me to get into the cab right away - sitting waiting for me was a piping hot porton of fish and chips and a bottle of Irn-Bru (our other National drink). Probably cost Green Flag less than the (then) £10 refund one got it it took more than an hour to respond, but far far more welcome!