Winter sun

edmundl Forum Participant Posts: 37

Hi myself and my wife are thinking of taking our caravan down to Spain in February next year Although we have travelled in France a lot we have never ventured that far before Any advice on areas, sites and routes would be much appreciated 


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,898
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited September 2018 #2

    The ferries to Spain  are reduced to only one a week to Santander and two a week to Bilbao in February, so you will probably have to drive all the way. That means to get down to the Malaga area where the weather is better it will be a 1300 mile drive if you are starting from Calais - probably going via Bordeaux. The campsites will be very busy and some will be fully booked already. 

    Wouldn't a flight to the Canary Islands or Morocco without the caravan tempt you instead? 

  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited September 2018 #3

    Have a look at John's blog. There is masses of information there about Spain in winter.

    I used it extensively to plan our trip last winter and wrote about it in my blog


  • montesa
    montesa Forum Participant Posts: 168
    edited September 2018 #4

     Hi Edmundl,

    We have successfully towed with our Caravan on the route your asking about in Jan 18, with overnight stops in France & Spain en-route, and overwintered on different Spanish sites without any pre-booking and survived. We intend a repeat Tunnel & overland trip this Winter, probably Jan to early April 19. 

    This Topic and some of your questions are generally covered every 2 or 3 weeks on this forum or on Caravan Talk Forum or UK Campsites Forum - Overseas Or Europe sections. A quick search or scroll back though the last two or three weeks should bring you up many results and much info. You should be able to pick up details of our now out of date chosen 2018 route.

    There are inevitably many differing opinions ! 

    We picked up on here a couple of years ago a very good simple tip to do a cheap hotel fly drive trip prior to the general area you fancy after a bit of initial internet research. It will reap dividends and reassurance before you set off into the un-known with a Caravan on the back. Very revealing of the standards of overseas sites & even Rallies etc for your Winter 2018/19 trip and will help you decide on the type of sites & area that maybe suit you best.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
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    edited September 2018 #5

    Compared to many, I have only made a few winter trips to Spain but my perception is they are becoming more and more popular. Certainly this year the two long term sites I stayed on were fully booked by December. You can take a chance but you will find the popular and better coastal sites south of Valencia full.  As long as you don't mind accepting "left overs," with a bit of phoning in advance you should be able to secure a pitch and this may well suit you as a first time visitor unsure of where you would like to stay longer term. It does give you the option of moving on and looking at the different sites and areas.

    You can read the accounts of my trips >here< it might help.


  • Jaydug
    Jaydug Forum Participant Posts: 52
    edited September 2018 #6

    Peedee's comment made me smile!  He's right!   It has become more popular these last few years.   I couldn't help but think back to our first trip to southern Spain with the caravan - about 1996.   We'd parked on the prom at Torremolinos  and were sitting at a pavement bar close by when some one remarked "Oh look! There's an English car".  embarassed